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"Do you think either of them will be elected?" asked Andy. "Not if I can prevent it," replied the young major. "Neither of them deserves any office." "I understand Dan Baxter wants to be major," said Stuffer. "Talk about gall! What has he ever done for the school? Nothing." "He won't get the office," said Jack. "Is Bart going to have a walkover?" asked Pepper. "Hardly.

As a consequence, Jack graduated at the head of the class, with Joe Nelson, second; Andy, third; Stuffer, fourth; Pepper, fifth; Henry Lee, sixth, and Fred Century, seventh. "I must congratulate you, Ruddy," cried Captain Putnam, warmly. "All through your term at this school you have made a record to be proud of. And the other graduates have made fine records, too.

McGlenn looked serenely at him. "Have you devoured your usual quota of pickles? If so, writhe in your misery until I have dined." "I writhe, not with what I have eaten, but at what I see. Is there a more distressing sight than an epicure or a gourmand, rather with a ragged purse?" "Oh, yes; a stuffer, a glutton without a purse." Richmond laughed.

"Well, look here," said Hugh, "you just railway-train yourself round the house till you find her, and let me know where she is. I want to see her. Off you go now." The Stuffer steamed himself out with the action of an engine drawing a long train of cars, and disappeared round the corner of the house.

"What's the matter with Harry Blossom?" asked Bert Field. "He seems to be a nice sort." "He is." "I understand Reff Ritter wants to be a captain," put in Stuffer. "Sure, an' he'd be afther wantin' to be major, only he ain't popular enough," came from Emerald. "Coulter is out for a captaincy, too," said Jack, who had come up during the talk.

Mumps said Ritter was as mad as hops. Ritter's watch was only a silver affair, but he says it came down to him from his grandfather and was valuable as an heirloom." "Well, this is certainly getting interesting," was Pepper's comment. "If that thief isn't caught he'll end up by cleaning out the whole school." "After this, I am going to hide my valuables," said Dale. "Ditto here," cried Stuffer.

Darrison, will you drive me?" "Why er yes, but it will take time, Captain Putnam, an' my wife wants me to " "I'll pay you for your time, sir," interrupted the owner of the school quickly. "Yes, sir? all right, sir. Jump in an' we'll go right after the runaway." "Can I go along?" asked Pepper. "I'd like to go, too," came from Stuffer Singleton. "So would I," added Bob Grenwood.

It amused him to see that his old college acquaintance "Sissie" Thomas and Billy Gray, the ballot box stuffer of the Second Ward, were among the most vehement of those who thus scorned him. So do the extremes of virtue and vice find common ground when the blasphemer raises his voice against intrenched capital.

Tiffles laughed a little. "Excuse my levity," said he, "but inventors and I am one of them, you know always claim that they are about to revolutionize the world of industry. I never knew one of them to claim less than that for a patent flytrap or an improved sausage stuffer. Mr. Minford was a man of genius, I dare say, but he probably overestimated the importance of his invention.

"I feel sure they did. Ritter struck me with a snowball, on the hand, and it left a deep scratch. Now, no ordinary snowball would do that. Besides that, I picked up a sharp stone from where Pepper was lying." "It was against the rules of the contest to use stones," put in Dale, who was near. "Sure it was!" cried Stuffer. "If those chaps really used stones they ought to be punished for it."