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Updated: August 23, 2024

I may quote, with slight alteration, two lines of a poem: Who sleeps and dreams that life is beauty, Will wake to find that life is duty. How true that is in practical life many of us know full well. The most attractive manifestation of God's power is seen in the fact that He stoops to touch men at the points of their daily need.

It took its name from the Croton Reservoir, a block above, then on the other side of the Avenue. A yellow, wooden structure, with a veranda reached by deep stoops from the sidewalk, and surrounded by trees and shrubbery, it flourished by vending ice cream and other refreshment to those who came to view the city from the top of the Reservoir walls.

The scene of the action which was to decide the future of Europe was between Calais and Dunkirk, a few miles off shore, and within sight of Parma's camp. There was no more manoeuvring for the weather-gage, no more fighting at long range. Drake dashed straight upon his prey as the falcon stoops upon its quarry.

"You ought to see them in town, these summer nights, in the parks and squares and cheap theatres. Their girls are not off for their health, anywhere, and their fellows are not off growing up with the country. Their day's work is over, and they're going in for a good time. And, then, walk through the streets where they live, and see them out on the stoops with their wives and children!

When a temper naturally ingenuous stoops to equivocate, or to dissemble, the anxious pain with which the unwonted task is laboured, often induces the hearer to doubt the authenticity of the tale. I cast a hasty glance on both gloves, and then replied gravely "The gloves resemble each other, doubtless, in form and embroidery; but they cannot form a pair, since they both belong to the right hand."

How does it strike you? "'Hard, says he, twisting one of his arms around. 'I believe that shoulder no, it's all right. "He stoops over to brush the dust off his clothes, when out of his pocket drops a fine, nine-inch burglar's steel jimmy. He picks it up and looks at me sharp, and then grins and holds out his hand. "'Brother, says he, 'greetings.

They usually lie in wait for their prey under some hollow bank in a deep pool, and when the unsuspecting deer or even buffalo stoops his head to drink, he is suddenly seized by the nose and dragged beneath the water. Here he is speedily drowned and consumed at leisure.

God stoops to hear; but His people have turned away!

"False; for she listened at the door. True; for she told me the tale of her own disgrace. A friend of my father; and she never knew that he had a daughter. Refined, accomplished, lady-like; and she stoops to use a false reference. Who is to reconcile such contradictions as these?" Dawn looked in at the window dawn of the memorable day which was, for Emily, the beginning of a new life.

Since I first saw thee, I loved. Maiden, wilt thou be my wife?" Thrice moved the lips of Cleonice, and thrice her voice seemed to fail her. At length she said, "Chian thou art a stranger, and the laws of the Grecian cities dishonour the stranger whom the free citizen stoops to marry." "Nay," cried Antagoras, "such cruel laws are obsolete in Chios.

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