Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

If some of the men that I saw in the North were dressed like Japanese or Chinese and placed side by side with them, the one could not be told from the other so long as the Eskimos kept their mouths closed. In our old school geographies we used to see them pictured as stockily built little fellows. In real life they compare well in stature with the white man of the temperate zone.

It was a man who emerged from the hallway entrance; a stockily built man wearing his hat well over one ear and with his ulster opened and flung back exposing a broad chest to the wintry air. He was whistling a sprightly air.

She glanced inquiringly about on the faces of the group, and a stockily built infantry captain struck his open hand on the table. "By Jove, that's it! Thought I recognized the face. How are you, Atherton? met you at Big Shanty." Still puzzled, although evidently relieved, Beauregard remained motionless. "But the uniform?" he questioned. "And how did you reach the hallway without being seen?"

A man seated at one of the windows of the room was gazing steadily out at the vast, dry, sun-scorched country. He turned at the young man's entrance and got slowly to his feet, apparently waiting for the visitor to speak. He was a short man, not heavily, but stockily built, giving a clear impression of stolidity.

I want to stop and watch these ridiculous people a little longer.... What had you got to say, my philosophical, optimistic friend?" He looked quite his old self, sitting stockily in the chair, his strong thighs pressing against the cane as though they'd burst it, his thick square beard more wiry than ever, and his lips red and shining.

He was still gazing when a man, dressed much the same as himself, but short, stockily built, and with the reddest hair and whiskers the boys had ever seen, his round face aglow with pleasure stepped hastily forward from the group of spectators and extended his hand. "Ah, Jiff, it does me good to see your handsome silf; and how have ye been, and how do ye expect to continue to be?"

A gray-haired, red-faced, laughing man, stockily built, mild mannered, he proved, as the afternoon wore on, to be a man from whom Münchausen might have gained a story or two. "They call me Lying Bill," he said to me. "You can't believe wot I say." "He's straight as a mango tree, Bill Pincher is," McHenry asserted loudly.

Turning to the prisoners, he snapped, "Who are you, and what's the meaning of all this?" The crew captain, a hard-looking, stockily built man of about forty-five, rasped back, "We have nothing to say." The commandant wasted no words. "Search them," he told the MP's. Their wallets and various other items revealed little.

The next noon, John walked home with Louise, a custom sadly broken since the baseball season had begun, and passed a stockily built lad who was bouncing a baseball against the side of a house but a few doors from the Martin's apartment. On the way back, he stopped to watch. The newcomer returned his stare with equal interest. "'Lo," said John, as he walked nearer.

A short, stockily built man entered the room. "Perkins, you may feed the red cow," the cashier said gravely. "Yes sir," replied Perkins, as calmly as though he had been told to hand over the city directory. "And whisper to her that the goats have come," the cashier went on, at which Perkins turned and left the room. "Now boys I am ready for you," said Mr.