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Te Assistant District Attorney glanced down at the papers in his hand and then up at the well-dressed, stockily built man occupying the witness stand. His manner was conciliatory. "According to your testimony, Mr. Clymer, the prisoner, John Sylvester, was honest and reliable, and faithfully performed his duties as confidential clerk," he stated. "Just when was Sylvester in your employ?"

One squatted forward, another rested his body on his heels in the after end. These two were swarthy, stockily built men, scantily clad, moccasins on their feet, and worn felt hats crowning lank, black hair long innocent of a barber's touch. The third man sat amidships in a little space left among goods that were piled to the top of the deep-sided craft.

He was of medium height and stockily built, with the bull neck and little, deep-set eyes that go often with a nature quarrelsome. Weary still leaned his elbow on the bar and smiled at him tolerantly. "Feel bad anywhere?" he wanted to know, when the other was very close. Spikes Weber, from very surprise, stopped and regarded Weary for a space before he began swearing again.

The doctor was past middle age, iron- gray, full-whiskered, and stockily built. He took the child's temperature, and looked grave as he glanced at the thermometer under the drop-light, and washed it in a glass of water. "One-hundred and five!" he said, crisply. "Big risks have been taken, Mostyn. I only hope my fears are groundless." "Your fears?" But the doctor seemed not to hear.

"Now that's enough-plenty out of you, seien die boots verdammt, and mach' dass du fort gehst muddy boots, hell! put mal ein egg in die boots and beat it, verleicht maybe I'll by golly arrest you myself, weiss du! I'm a special deputy sheriff." The young man stood stockily.

Not far from him, leaning on the rail, a stockily built young fellow in overalls, a cap pulled down firmly over his well-shaped head, was apparently watching the gulls and the passing boats, with eyes no less blue than the bay itself; eyes no less glinting than the sunlight on the waves. He seemed to be paying no heed to anything but what lay before him.

His anger, though sharp, was of short duration, but his suspicions of those whose confidence he had won by his genius and force of character, were the cause of much suffering to himself and others. Beethoven in appearance was short and stockily built; his face was not at all good looking.

He was a stockily built fellow of thirty with a clean-shaven face. "'Is that you, "Doc"? "'Yes, where does it hurt? ""Doc" Shipman who used to be at Bellevue five or six years ago? "'Yes now tell me where the pain is. "'Let me look at you. Yes that's him. That's the "Doc," boys. Where does it hurt? Oh, all around here back worst' and he passed his hand over his side.

He was a young, brown-bearded man, about Keith's size, but more stockily built, his flannel shirt was laced up in front, and had a full, broad collar turned over a red necktie with long ends. His slouch-hat was set on the back of his head. The gleaming butts of two pistols that peeped out of his waistband gave a touch of piquancy to his appearance.

Down below, among the second-class passengers, Mr. Noah Hawker paced to and fro, gazing meditatively toward the Shakespeare Cliff. Mr. Hawker, to give him the name by which he was known in Scotland Yard circles, was a man of fifty, five feet nine in height, and rather stockily built.