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Updated: August 1, 2024
'Why, goodness gracious mercy, where's your taste? Such a fine tall, full-whiskered dashing gentlemanly man, with such teeth and hair, and hem well now, you DO astonish me. 'I dare say I am very foolish, replied Kate, laying aside her bonnet; 'but as my opinion is of very little importance to him or anyone else, I do not regret having formed it, and shall be slow to change it, I think.
To see just how the vital energy has been toned down, you must contrast one of this section with a specimen of Section A of the same class, say, for instance, one of the old-fashioned, full-whiskered, red-faced, roaring, big Commodores of the last generation, whom you remember, at least by their portraits, in ruffled shirts, looking as hearty as butchers and as plucky as bull-terriers, with their hair combed straight up from their foreheads, which were not commonly very high or broad.
To see just how the vital energy has been toned down, you must contrast one of this section with a specimen of Section A of the same class, say, for instance, one of the old-fashioned, full-whiskered, red-faced, roaring, big Commodores of the last generation, whom you remember, at least by their portraits, in ruffled shirts, looking as hearty as butchers and as plucky as bull-terriers, with their hair combed straight up from their foreheads, which were not commonly very high or broad.
The doctor was past middle age, iron- gray, full-whiskered, and stockily built. He took the child's temperature, and looked grave as he glanced at the thermometer under the drop-light, and washed it in a glass of water. "One-hundred and five!" he said, crisply. "Big risks have been taken, Mostyn. I only hope my fears are groundless." "Your fears?" But the doctor seemed not to hear.
To see just how the vital energy has been toned down, you must contrast one of this section with a specimen of Section A of the same class, say, for instance, one of the old-fashioned, full-whiskered, red-faced, roaring-big Commodores of the last generation, whom you remember, at least by their portraits, in ruffled shirts, looking as hearty as butchers and as plucky as bull-terriers, with their hair combed straight up from their foreheads, which were not commonly very high or broad.
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