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"That the proposition looks good, only I should like to know a little more clearly what I am expected to do." "A bit squeamish, hey! got a troublesome conscience?" "Not particularly but there is a limit." He slowly lit a fresh cigar, studying the expression of my face in the light, as though deciding upon a course of action. Neale moved uneasily, but made no attempt to break the silence.

When the Coventry ribbon trade went to the dogs the people found salvation in bicycles. If Coventry had been in Ireland the people would have starved and murmured to the end of time. Two miles out we came to Deradda, where eighty men were at work. Next came Shellogah and the squeamish bit of bog.

And while she was holding the smelling salts to him, and sprinkling vinegar over his couch, they heard the two boys' voices loud under the window, Paul saying he should never come there again, and Harold something about people being squeamish and fine. It hurt Alfred, and he burst out, almost crying, 'Mother! Mother, now isn't that too bad! 'It is very thoughtless, said Mrs.

What crime this miserable woman had perpetrated he knew not; but the human mind could not conceive a crime warranting such a punishment. He was glad to see that these tales affected the House. Would they then sanction enormities, the bare recital of which made them shudder? Let them remember that humanity did not consist in a squeamish ear.

"Now that we know pretty well how the land lies, and whose dog it is, perhaps I won't be so squeamish about shooting the beast if the chance comes along." "Here's the foot of the rise," Jack broke in. "And the trees grow more thin as the ground ascends, you notice," Paul went on.

That squeamish delicacy which shrinks from the most disgusting offices when affection or humanity lead us to watch at a sick pillow, is despicable. But, why women in health should be more familiar with each other than men are, when they boast of their superiour delicacy, is a solecism in manners which I could never solve.

"Why not call things by their right names and save breath, as long as we're alone? I'm not squeamish. But to get down to business. You know Seaton, of our division, of course. He has been recovering the various rare metals from all the residues that have accumulated in the Bureau for years. After separating out all the known metals he had something left, and thought it was a new element, a metal.

Once I had a different and strange kind of meat; but the starved stomach is not squeamish. I found a serpent coiled up in my way in a small glade, and arming myself with a long stick, I roused him from his siesta and slew him without mercy. Rima was not there to pluck the rage from my heart and save his evil life.

She liked nothing better than to talk it all over in her snug room with Mere Malheur, as they sat opposite one another at her little table, each with a cup of tea in her hand, well laced with brandy, which was a favorite weakness of them both. Dame Tremblay was, in private, neither nice nor squeamish as to the nature of her gossip.

"Did you see many dead and wounded?" asked a very tired voice, that of one of the older reservists who was emaciated, with a complexion like blue mould. "How can I tell you what I saw? Ought I to tell you?" "When you've had to wipe a piece of brains out of your eye, as I have it was warm and jelly-like," said Pilzer, "you ain't as squeamish as Hugo Mallin.