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Updated: August 20, 2024

"But they's one thing you wanna remember, Alicran. It don't pay to be squeamish. It comes high in the end usually. You'll find, if you keep on being mushy thisaway, that you'll have more'n you can swing at the finish." "Is that so? You leave me do things my own way, you hear? Lemme tell you if I'd 'a' knowed all what you was up to by coming to Dale's this mornin' I'd never have allowed it."

"Without the maharajah knowing?" "Without his highness knowing." "You'd do that with a clear conscience, eh?" Tom Tripe screwed his face up, puffed his cheeks, and struck a very military attitude. "A soldier's got no business with a conscience, sir. Conscience makes a man squeamish o' doing right for fear his wife's second cousin might tell the neighbors." "Ha-ha! Very profoundly philosophic!

"I just thought it might be a convenience to you. I'd help you out. I don't see 't you need be so squeamish. What you're doing ain't so pure an' lofty 't you can set up for Marcus Aurelius and St. Anthony at once." "At least, it's better than it would be if I let you take a hand in it," sneered Wickersham. The following afternoon Wickersham left New Leeds somewhat ostentatiously.

"Sounds like the New Arabian Nights!" he exclaimed. "You're not by any chance pulling my leg?" Merriman reassured him. "The thing's really a bit serious," he continued. "If what we suspect is going on, the parties concerned won't be squeamish about the means they adopt to keep their secret. I imagine they'd have a short way with meddlers."

"I will buy the world, because you are in it". Now she flashed upon him one glance, in which there was astonishment, and judgment. "You said that so like my father! Hogarth among the dealers? I thought you would be more squeamish, and arduous, and complex". "But if a man is famished, he is not complex, he runs to the baker's. You can have no conception how I perish!

She had been a member of Daly’s famous New York company, and afterward a “starunder his direction. She was a woman who could not be taught, it is said, though she had a crude natural force which carried with people whose feelings were accessible and whose taste was not squeamish. She was already old, with a ravaged countenance and a physique curiously hard and stiff.

Why, my fust husband wasn't but a week makin' up his mind, and pa," she continued, referring openly to Grandpa Keeler, "he wan't quite so outspoken, to be sure; but he came around to it in the course of a month or two, and kind o' beat around the bush then, and wanted to know what I thought on't, and wall, I told him 'yes, I didn't see no use in bein' squeamish so long as I'd once made up my mind to it."

Allison, too, rose to his feet. "I only wanted to give you a chance," he stated dryly. "I reckon I can take care of myself. I always could. And you well, you know as well as I do what sort of a scrap that that woods-rat can put up, or you ought to. He gave you a sort of a demonstration, once, if I remember correctly. I stick! I never was overly squeamish.

He is seized sometimes at the hospitable board, and assassinated, or perhaps cruelly poisoned. But what skill can ensure safety, where confidence is so shamefully abused? He is a capital sailor, even bilge-water don't make him squeamish, and he is so good a judge of the sea-worthiness of a ship, that he leaves her at the first port if he finds she is leaky or weak.

I have myself seen this being done, as I shall mention in its place. But, squeamish as I may seem, I cannot bring myself to describe what I could not endure even to continue watching. Let it suffice to say, blood obtained from a still living animal, in most cases from a human being, was run directly by means of a little pipette into the recipient canal. . . .

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