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Updated: August 20, 2024

"I'm not as well as I look," said Sam. "I've lost all my nerve. I'm even worrying a little about all my loot in those cases in the hold. It sometimes seems that I oughtn't to have taken it." "What!" cried Cleary. "Well, you are getting squeamish! After all the fellows you've killed or had killed, I shouldn't mind an ornament or two." "Killing is a soldier's main business," said Sam.

She had a faith that the man dared not fire, and she felt the old familiar thrills of admiration for Billy's courage. She could not see his face, but she knew in all certitude that it was bleak and passionless in the terrifying way she had seen it when he fought the three Irishmen. "You ain't the first man I killed," the constable threatened. "I'm an old soldier, an' I ain't squeamish over blood "

Ben-Tovit answered angrily. But there was a vague promise in his wife's words that there might be a relief for his toothache, so he walked over to the parapet unwillingly. Bending his head on one side, closing one eye, and supporting his cheek with his hand, his face assumed a squeamish, weeping expression, and he looked down to the street.

If Iris had only remained away. She's so squeamish, I can't do anything. I really wish an accident would happen to her." All this happened on the day before the adventures of Mr. Barkswell with the detective in the guise of a Yankee, already recorded. We now return to the city. Silas Keene was not a little puzzled as he found himself clasping the hand of the young man in front of the low saloon.

We can't afford to be squeamish in life! I often hurt myself for the pleasure of it." "Hurt yourself?" "Myself. One day I hammered a nail into my hand, here." "Why?" "There wasn't any reason." "Give me your hand," she said. "What do you want it for?" "Give it me." He gave her his hand. She took it and crushed it until he cried out.

Goats will also stray in from the street, and bite the young shoots off, selecting the most valuable plants with a discrimination that would do credit to a professional gardener. It is therefore useless to think of growing delicate or squeamish plants.

Besides sparing me from using the same greasy spoon in common with a dozen natives, none of them overly squeamish as regards personal cleanliness, this gave me the appreciable advantage of dipping into the dish as often as I choose, instead of waiting for my regular turn at the wooden spoon.

Honestly dirty, and robustly indifferent to what mortally offends our squeamish senses, our happy ancestors fattened on carbonic acid gas, and took the exhalations of graveyards and gutters with a placidity of stomach that excites our physiological admiration. If they died, it was not for want of air.

Morgan presents us with a description of him at this period which in these more squeamish days can certainly not be set down in its entirety: suffice it to say that he suffered all his days from what is known as "scald-head," and that personal filthiness was one of his principal characteristics.

Lady Susan had indeed been right when she declared that Brett had no principles, and against his unshakable sang-froid Ann felt as helpless to make any impression as a wave beating at the foot of some granite rock. "When you want something very badly," he explained with the utmost simplicity, "the only way to get it is to forge straight ahead. You can't afford to be squeamish over trifles.

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