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Updated: August 1, 2024

The thrift, sea lavender, rocket, sea campion, and maritime spurge did not descend so low as this. They came no nearer than where the highest tidal marks left lines of driftwood and bleached shells, just below the break of the upper marshes. Here it was another kingdom, neither sea nor land, but each alternately during the spring tides.

"That's where it was placed by Chatfield, according to Zachary Spurge." "And of course Chatfield's removed it during the night," remarked Gilling. "That message which Sir Cresswell read us must have been all wrong the Pike's come south and she's been somewhere about maybe been in that cove at the end of the glen though she'll have cleared out of it hours ago!" he concluded disappointedly.

Spurge suddenly laid a grip on his companion's elbow and twisted him aside into a narrow entry between the sheds. "That's the good!" he answered in an exulting voice. "Look there, guv'nor! Look at that North Sea tug that one, lying out there! Whose face is, now a-peeping out o' that hatch? Come, now?" Copplestone looked in the direction which Spurge indicated.

If he wasn't there, or in sight, by a quarter-past three I was to know he wasn't able to get away. So as he didn't come, I slipped back into the woods, and made my way back here, round by the moors." "Are you going to stay in this place?" asked Copplestone. "For a bit, guv'nor till I see how things are," replied Spurge.

The three young men exchanged glances with each other while Spurge refreshed himself with his fortified coffee, and their eyes asked similar questions. "Ah!" observed Copplestone at last. "You don't know what, Spurge? You haven't examined one of those boxes?" Spurge set his cup down and gave his questioner a knowing look. "I'll tell you my line o' conduct, guv'nor," he said.

The rough horseman's cloak in which he was buttoned to the edge of a red neckerchief and a stubbly chin was liberally ornamented with bits of straw, scraps of furze and other odds and ends picked up in woods and hedge-rows. Spurge, indeed, bore unmistakable evidence of having slept out in wild places for some nights and his general atmosphere was little more respectable than that of a scarecrow.

The same plants grow from both alike spurge, cistus, rue, and henbane, constant to the desolation of abandoned dwellings. From the castle you look down on roofs, brown tiles and chimney-pots, set one above the other like a big card-castle. Each house has its foot on a neighbour's neck, and its shoulder set against the native stone.

"Very good or bad for somebody," remarked Petherton, quietly. "Then until Mr. Marston Greyle comes we will call Zachary Spurge." The assemblage, jurymen included, broke into derisive laughter as Spurge suddenly appeared from the most densely packed corner of the room, and it was at once evident to Copplestone that whatever the poacher might say, no one there would attach any importance to it.

Just before we reached the bridge connecting the islands of Ossero and Cherso, which has to be crossed before the town of Ossero is reached, great banks of spurge made the roadside as yellow as fields full of charlock in England. In a wall at the entrance of the town the S. Mark's lion still watches, though the two fortresses which report says were here are no longer traceable.

"The police hold warrants for the two men we've been chiefly talking about," replied Sir Cresswell. "Well let your honour come on a bit later with not more than three police plain-clothes fellows as far as High Nick," said Spurge. "The police'll know where that is.

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