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He saw no reason to doubt the truth of Zachary Spurge's tale it bore the marks of credibility. But what did it amount to? That Spurge saw Bassett Oliver enter the ruins of the Keep, by the one point of ingress; that a few moments later he saw Marston Greyle come away from the same place, evidently considerably upset, and sneak off in a manner which showed that he dreaded observation.

Boerhaave informs us, that this is the common medicine of the turf-diggers in Holland, against scurvies, foul ulcers, and swellings in the feet, which they are subject to. The roof of this plant is said to operate as a strong cathartic. EUPHORBIA Esula. SPURGE FLAX. Its Berries. These are useful in removing warts and excrescences, if bruised and laid thereon.

From the level plateau on which it stood the Glen fell away in horseshoe formation gradually narrowing and descending until it terminated in a thick covert of fir and pine that ran down to the land end of the cove of which Spurge had told them.

They are known to produce dreadful effects; but it frequently happens that they produce nausea on the stomach, by which they operate as an emetic of themselves. EUPHORBIA Lathyris. CAPER SPURGE. A plant common in old gardens, but not indigenous. The seed-vessels are much in shape of caper-buds: hence its name.

Spurge led Copplestone a little way up the narrow alley from the mouth of which they had observed the recent proceedings, suddenly turned off into a still narrower passage, and emerged at the rear of an ancient building of wood and stones which looked as if a stout shove or a strong wind would bring it down in dust and ruin.

Without moving which I did not wish to do, as it would disturb the bird I could not see its plumage; the bramble spray in front, the spurge behind, and the bleached grasses at the side, perfectly concealed it. Only two birds I considered would be likely to squat and remain quiescent like this partridge or pheasant; but I could not contrive to view the least portion of the neck.

And Spurge says that at the back of this quay there's a perfect rabbit-warren of courts and alleys, and if or, rather as they've escaped into that eh?" The detectives who had accompanied Sir Cresswell on the interrupted expedition to the old tower and who had now followed him and his companions in a second car and arrived in time to hear Copplestone's story, looked at each other.

Or take two ounces of boiled honey, half a scruple of spurge, four grains of coloquint, two grains of hellebore and drachm of salt; make a suppository. Hippocrates mentions a hysterical woman who could only be relieved of the paroxysms by pouring cold water on her: yet this is a strange cure, and should only be administered in the heat of summer, when the sun is in the tropic of Cancer.

"That is a most improper observation! It's a reflection on my position, sir, and I've a great mind " "Mr. Coroner," observed Petherton, leaning towards him, "I shall hand in a full report concerning your conduct of these proceedings to the Home Office tomorrow. If you attempt to interfere with my duty here, all the worse for you. Now, Spurge, you can stand down. And as I see Mr.

"No one, guv'nor," replied Spurge. "And where did you go when you left the place?" inquired Copplestone. "To tell you the truth, guv'nor, I was waiting there for that cousin o' mine him as carried you the letter," answered Spurge. "It was a fixture between us he was to meet me there about three o'clock that day.