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Updated: August 12, 2024

It has an attraction for them, often a fatal attraction, even though it be thick with dirt and very malodorous. During the summer time the boys' bathing lakes in Victoria Park are crowded and alive with youngsters, who splash and flounder and choke, splutter and laugh in them. They present a sight worth seeing, and teach a lesson worth remembering.

Another glare of fire revealed the grouped men and horses around the battery, and for a moment I thought the missile had struck among us. There was a splutter, as of shivering metal flying about, and, with a sort of intuition, the whole regiment rose and ran. I started to my feet and looked for my horse. His ears were erect, his eyeballs distended, and his nostrils were tremulous with fright.

There was a faint splutter of applause, but the majority of the audience remained silent, waiting. "This is no new thing. Always has it been the same.

Out at the yard-arm there came a splutter of a match, and then, straightaway, a great spurt of fire as the flare took light. "That's better, Jaskett. You're all right now!" the Second Mate called out to him. "What was it, Mr. Tulipson?" I heard the Skipper ask. I looked up, and saw that he had sprung across to where the Second Mate was standing.

He'd shoot up his whole darn family, too, and thieve their blankets, even if he didn't need 'em. He's quite a boy when you got him where you need him. Kars broke off listening acutely. He turned his head with that instinct of avoiding the night breeze. Bill, too, was listening, his watchful eyes turned northward. The moments grew. The splutter of rifle fire still haunted the night.

And I trust, for the sake of those who might attempt it, that the means taken to impose silence upon that eloquent voice will not be taken to impose silence upon mine." There was a faint murmur of applause from the Left, splutter of contemptuous laughter from the Right. "Rhodomont!" a voice called to him.

For when, treading water easily in his rear, I wished him good morning in my most conciliatory tone, he stood not upon the order of his sinking, but went under like so much pig-iron. I waited courteously until he rose to the surface again, when I repeated my remark. He expelled the last remnant of water from his mouth with a wrathful splutter, and cleared his eyes with the back of his hand.

He had his sympathies for Stella Croyle, but her hopes held no positive promise of happiness for either her or Harry Luttrell a mere flash and splutter of passion at the best, with all sorts of sordid disadvantages to follow, quarrels, the scorn of his equals, the loss of position, the check to advancement in his profession. Here, on the other hand, was the fitting match.

Was he scuttling the ship? Then, as Roger and the cook tiptoed forward, I suddenly tripped over a piece of plank and sprawled headlong. As I fell, I saw Roger and the cook leap ahead, then the man doused the light. There was a sound of scuffling, a crash, a splutter of angry words.

And have you killed that sick wolf Galors, Messire? There, there, God will bless you for that, and prosper you as you have prospered us!" Galors swallowed the pill and went out with no more ceremony. Falve ran after him. "Eh, eh, Messire!" he spluttered. Galors let him splutter till they were within the courtyard. Then he called to a trooper. "Take this man and flog him well," said he.

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