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We was allus havin' a lot o' Easterners string along during the summer, an' they generally was easy to entice into makin' a little visit with us. Some of 'em would spend their time crackin' stones an' makin' up tales about their bein' speciments o' the Zelooic age or the Palazoric age or some such a fool thing.

I'm the future owner of the Diamond Dot, an' I ain't a-layin' no plans to have the lala-kadinks from the civilized parts o' this country come out an' round up my langwidge, same as they gather Injun speciments. You may be my father, but you can just bet your saddle that before I reach the end o' my trail, a stranger won't be able to guess it from our talk."

"’They sez’ is easy talkin’, shore ’nuff," mumbled Mrs. Rodney, as she helped herself to butter with her own knife. "A sharp from the Smithsonian Institute at Washington, he said it, and he has taken back speciments with him." "Ye can’t keep lackings from freightin’ round specimentsnaw, sir, ye can’t, not till the fool-killer has finished his job."

And as soon as this run, through Joe's head, he found himself getting middling sorry for the old man; and he said, "What will you give me to get you your own bits of stones back again?" He cocked up his ears at that, and asked if his "speciments," as he called them, were safe. "Ay," said Joe, "they are safe enough.

"You're like Cassandra, Jack," I observed, to fill up the pause which marked Dave's discomfiture. "That bloke as spoke las', 'e's got more hunder 'is 'at nor a six-'underd-an'-fo'ty-hacre paddick full o' sich soojee speciments as you fellers," said the old man impressively. "Wich o' you knows hanythink about Cassandra? Hin 'twenty-six hit war, an' hit seems like las' week.

His clothing, which had been donated to him piece-meal by citizens of different height, but same number of inches around the heart, was not yet as uncomfortable to his figure as those speciments of raiment, self-measured, that are railroaded to you by transcontinental tailors with a suit case, suspenders, silk handkerchief and pearl studs as a bonus.

"Speciments travel around most anywheres," he reflected. "This here's a swell head with a grouch. I reckon he ain't a serious friend of hers, or she wouldn't have stood for me rescuin' her when he offered himself that generous." The recollection convulsed him, and he bowed his head over the pony's neck to hide the laugh.

There was a smell of decaying coral, or Oriental dust of zoological speciments in that den of his. I could only see the top of his head and his unhappy eyes levelled at me over the barrier. "It's only for a couple of days," I said, intending to cheer him up. "Perhaps you would like to pay in advance?" he suggested eagerly. "Certainly not!" I burst out directly I could speak.

I got so I could purt' nigh tell what an animal had on his mind, just from tendin' to her speciments. She had one speciment which was a possom, an' the blame thing bit me eight times one winter, me tryin' to give it baths an' then she wrote back home that the doggone critter didn't need'em nohow.

It seems to give me a curious, itchy feelin' in the right hand, an' I have had to make several extra peculiar speciments dance a few steps for no other reason; but this little cuss never batted an eye. He looks me square in the face, an' sez, "It is perfectly obvious that I could be addressin' nobody else.