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"Well, sor, I know where he do be gahn, sometimes," the man admitted. "Well, that will do; take me there," said Jeff. "You go in and account for me to Miss Lynde," he instructed Westover, across his shoulder. "I'll get him home before morning, somehow; and I'll send the carriage right back for the ladies, now."

"Who could it have been, sir?" asked the sergeant of the officer of the day. "Surely none of the men ever come round this way." "I don't know, sergeant; I don't know. Just take your lamp and see if there is anything visible down there among the rocks. He may have been hit and leaped the wall. Do you think you hit him, Leary?" "I can't say, sor. He came by me like a flash.

"Sure I wouldn't conterdick ye, sor, av ye was to call it supper but it was tay that I put in the pot." At breakfast the conversation somehow turned upon boats ship's boats and their construction. "It is quite disgraceful," said Jackman, "the way in which Government neglects that matter of boats. Some things, we know, will never be generally adopted unless men are compelled to adopt them.

Then, with a satisfied smile, he turned away, with purpose to dispose of Bannerman's note. "Bath's ready, sor." O'Hagan's announcement fell upon heedless ears. Maitland remained motionless before the desk transfixed with amazement. "Bath's ready, sor!" imperatively. Maitland roused slightly. "Very well; in a minute, O'Hagan." Yet for some time he did not move.

If any ould woman kin be placed in the froont rank av Frakes fer the rayson that her gran'son killed another ould woman, wull ye tell me, sor, phwat becomes av our janius an' harrud work?

'Why, Maurice, my boy, there's quite enough of us going in her as it is, said the captain, kindly, for the dirty-faced but bright-eyed Maurice Kinane was a favourite with everyone on board. 'Ah, but shure, sor, pleaded the boy, 'av yer honour would just let me go, av it was only to pluck a blade av the foine green grass, and lave me face in the swate clane wather I'll be beholden

"And was it bad luck you had, sor?" "A temporary case of it, I'm afraid." "Well," said the Irishman, looking up at his employer with the most profound encouragement in his wink, "if it's anny help to you, sor, I'll say that I've niver found bad luck to be annything but timporary. And, believe ME, I've had plinty of it. Mary was dom near three years makin' up her mind to say yis to me."

"Him big chief! Him Kali Pandapatan," hastily corrected Piang. "Excuse me, sor; no hard feelings, I hope. Had a rough trip over, I hear; how did you leave the missus?" When the remark had been interpreted, a murmur rippled through Kali's ranks, and hands flew to hips. No Moro permits his women to be spoken of. "What's all the fuss, kid?" asked the sergeant, innocently.

Flannery grinned. "An' ain't thim th' jokers, now!" he exclaimed. "'Tis some smart bye must have his fun with ould Flannery! Go an' see th' veterinary! An' ask him what t' feed th' cat! 'Good mornin', Misther Pomeroy. Do ye remimber th' dead cat ye looked at yisterday? 'Tis in a bad way th' mornin', sor. 'Tis far an' away deader than it was yisterday.

I'd been workin' at me trade, sor larnin' to tind bar it was and I'd just got a new job where the pay was pretty good, and I'd sint over for Maggie, and was plannin' for the little flat we was to have, and the like of that, when I drew that prize. And the joy of it was like handin' me a jolt on the jaw.