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The father, however, wasn't for me; but the mother was: so after drinking a bottle or two with the mother, Sarah Traynor, her cousin, and Mary, along with Jack Donnellan, on my part, in their own barn, unknown to the father, we agreed to make, a runaway match of it, and appointed my uncle Brian Slevin's as the house we'd go to.

The hold-up man turned away with a feeling of genuine admiration, for he had seen Slevin, under the very nose of the lookout, "go south" with a substantial amount of gold. The foreman's daring and dexterity amazed Bill and deepened his respect. Slevin's work was cunning, and yet so simple as to be almost laughable.

Carefully, thoughtfully, he replaced the boots where he had found them. The knowledge that he was on a hot trail electrified him. At the next clean-up Laughing Bill took less interest in his part of the work and more in Denny Slevin's.

One morning while Bill was cleaning up the superintendent's cabin he noticed a tiny yellow flake of gold upon the floor in front of Slevin's bed. Careful examination showed him several "colors" of the same sort, so he swept the boards carefully and took up the dust in a "blower." He breathed upon the pile, blowing the lighter particles away. A considerable residue of heavy yellow grains remained.

It was not a retreat, he merely drew himself together defensively, holding himself under control with the last supreme effort of his will. The tension snapped suddenly. With a harsh, wordless cry of fury Black Jack tore his six-shooter from its resting-place. But Slevin's right hand stirred in unison and it moved like light.

"Some of us could hardly stand this: 'Stop, boys, cried one of Dan Slevin's sons 'stop, Vengeance is bad enough, but his wife and children never offinded us we'll not burn the place.

Slevin's madly roving gaze flew back and settled upon the discolored visage thrust toward him, then his own eyes widened. He recoiled, crying: "Look here! You don't think I ?" His words ended in a bark. "I ain't said what I think, but I'm thinkin' fast. Nobody knew it but us " "How d'you know?" "I know." Slowly Slevin settled himself.

Shortly after this, his brother Tom followed his example; but as he had saved something, he made up to Val Slevin's daughter, that had a fortune of twenty guineas, a cow and a heifer, with two good chaff beds and bedding. * In Irish the proverb is "Ha naha la na guiha la na scuilipagh:" that is, the windy or stormy day is not that on which the scollops should be cut.

He took unsteady aim at a shadow and fired. "Never mind, I'll get yeh!" After a little while he stumbled onward between the boulders, shouting a challenge to his invisible opponent. He had gone perhaps fifty feet when the darkness was stabbed by the blaze of Slevin's gun. Three times the weapon spoke, at little more than arm's-length, and Black Jack spun on his heels, then rocked forward limply.

"I believe you, Peter, and I would take your word for more than the condition of the geese. Remember me to Katty, Peter." "On Wednesday, in Parrah More Slevin's of Mullaghfadh. Are you there, Parrah More?" No answer. "Parrah More Sle-vin?" Silence. "Parrah More Slevin, of Mullaghfadh?" No reply. "Dan Fagan?" "Present, sir." "Do you know what keeps that reprobate from mass?"