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"It is a lovely color," she said, when I showed it to her. "If you like, I will take it home and burn it." As I developed the dramatic part of my story the blow given Charlotte Alden, Verry rubbed her face shrinkingly, as if she had felt the blow. "Let me see your hand," she asked; "did I ever strike anybody?" "You threw a pail of salt downstairs, once, upon my head, and put out my sight."

After a low word of greeting she gave some of her cake to the children, drew them close to her, wrapped her shawl about their heads and bade them sleep. Then, shrinkingly, she looked at her hosts. They were quite naked, and each of them gazed on her with intent earnestness. The first was so beautiful that the eye failed upon him, flinching aside as from a great brightness.

Yates waited at the gate, placing the loaf on the post, where he forgot it, much to the astonishment of the donor in the morning. He did not have to wait long, for Kitty came around the house somewhat shrinkingly, as one who was doing the most wicked thing that had been done since the world began. Yates hastened to meet her, clasping one of her unresisting hands in his.

He forgot everything else in the interest he took in his fresh case, while now, slowly and shrinkingly, the slaves began to come up from below, foul, weak from injuries, and suffering from the dreadful air that they had been forced to breathe. They were a terrible crowd to gaze upon.

They are in the Celtic dilemma of standing at variance with Bull; they return him his hearty antipathy, are unable to be epical or lyrical of him, are condemned to expend their genius upon the abstract, the quaint, the picturesque. Nature they read spiritually or sensually, always shrinkingly apart from him. They swell to a resemblance of their patron if they stoop to woo his purse.

Half eagerly, half shrinkingly, Dol emerged from the woods, feeling a very torment of hunger quickened in him by the tantalizing sound of that oft-repeated invitation. A sight met him which, because of what went before and all that came after, will be forever chief among the forest pictures which rise in exciting panorama before his memory, when camping is a thing of the past.

Shouldn't be at all surprised if there's snakes swarming all over the place. That one didn't bite me, did it? Don't know that I should mind a honest bite, but some of these things are poison. Here, I have had enough of this;" and he felt about with a strange feeling of creepiness for the batten that he had not touched. This he grasped shrinkingly. "Oh, this ain't a snake," he said.

"You may take off the disfiguring hat, Richard. No one is here." Richard slowly heaved it from his brows, and his fair face, so like his mother's, was disclosed. But the moment he was uncovered he turned shrinkingly toward the entrance door. "If any one should come in, sir?" "Impossible!" replied Mr. Carlyle. "The front door is fast, and the office is supposed to be empty at this hour."

"Lil, can't you shake hands with your old friend?" said Fred, as the tall graceful girl looked at him half pleased, half shrinkingly. "And your father has done all this, Fred?" said Scarlett, in an eager whisper. "Yes; I found him busy one day when I came home for a visit, and it has been his task ever since." "But for Heaven's sake, man, be frank with me he meant it for your home?"

Fanny mentioned this conversation to Andrew that night after Ellen had gone to bed. "What do you think Ellen was asking me this afternoon what she had better do!" said she. "What she had better do?" repeated Andrew, vaguely. He looked shrinkingly at Fanny, who seemed to him to have an accusing air, as if in some way he were to blame for something.