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"But if you don't know the men and from what I understand, you only saw their backs in the gloom you will find a considerable difficulty in recognising them," observed Mr Ferris, "and may chance to lay hands on the wrong persons." "Shure, your honour, we'll ask them if they're the right ones before we give them a taste of the shillelagh," answered Dan.

'To be shut into a hole like a rat in a trap when there's blows to the fore, is more than flesh could stand, said Lanty, who had seized on a hand-spike and was waving it about his head, true shillelagh fashion, by hereditary instinct in one who had never behold a faction fight, in what ought to have been his native land.

Mammy, on hearing this, told her captives that they must not again venture forth, and they, of course, saw the prudence of obeying her. O'Harrall, who had returned in the ship, paid them but one visit, when he evidently wished to find a cause for quarrelling with Owen. Owen wisely kept his temper, though Dan looked as if he would like to try the strength of his shillelagh on the pirate's head.

Callaghan danced round his victim, wielding a terrible shillelagh. Meanwhile the noonday dinner at Davidson's bee progressed merrily.

We both hoped sincerely that any English friends who saw that speech, and paused to realise that the orator was a parent of mine, would consider the number of Irish resident in Illinois, and the amount of invective which their feelings require. Poppa doesn't really know sometimes whether he is himself or a shillelagh, but whatever his temporary political capacity he is never ungrateful.

All the combined strength of both parties was present; the canvassing had been of the most thorough nature, and all the antipathies of race and religion appealed to for electioneering purposes. "It is said that the Catholics went there expecting a fight, each armed with a well-balanced, tough shillelagh, and that they made a general attack on the Scotch.

Even as he spoke, a perverse beast of Nationalist tendencies effected a diversion to the right, plainly intending a charge down Denmark Street, en route for Irish Town, and the gallant Colonel waiving ceremony and a formidable shillelagh, hastened by a flank movement to cut off this retreat, and to guide the erring creature in the right way to fresh woods and pastures new.

For my part, I was early trained in cudgelling, and before I reached my fourteenth year, could pronounce as sage and accurate an opinion upon the merits of a shillelagh, as it is called, or cudgel, as a veteran of sixty could at first sight.

"Come aboard, sir," says he, breathing heavy; "the gangway's blocked, but I give one of 'em a bit of a knock with his own shillelagh, and that's all right." "Is there any more up there?" I asked quickly. "May be a dozen, may be more. They're up on the heights looking for you to go up, captain." "Aye," said I, "pleasant company, no doubt.

Certain, at all events, it is that he introduced that fine and glorious weapon, the shillelagh, among them; and, moreover, taught them the use of it, for which his memory is ever to be held in due reverence, not to speak of many other reasons why he should be loved and admired by all the sons of Erin.