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Updated: August 19, 2024

So earnest was her gaze that at last his own fell before it, at which she murmured a confused apology, like one forcibly awakened from a dream. "I was wondering what that other life would have made of you," she said; "the life that I have known and wearied of a life of petty shams, of sham love, of sham hate, of sham religion.

For a dozen generations my family has been a set of dummies in the hands of their advisers. Advisers! Now I am going to be a real king and I am going to to abolish, dispose of, finish, the crown to which I have been a slave. But what a world of paralysing shams this roaring stuff has ended!

If we had always waited to clear away shams till we were certain that our action would produce absolutely unmixed benefits, we should still be worshipping Mumbo-Jumbo.

"I suppose not," said the other reluctantly. "Still, it is difficult not to be dazzled by what looks like a reflection from the true Light; and difficult, too, to detect a sham where we are willing to see a reality." "Very difficult," replied Colonel Dawson: "and yet the world abounds in shams, and cant, and hypocrisy.

The shirt, for instance, which was formerly such a simple-minded and straightforward garment, knowing no guile, has become, in the hands of the inventors, a mere pretence, a frail scaffold, on which an elaborate superstructure of shams is erected. The varieties of this garment that one sees in the shop windows, exposing virgin bosoms to the day, are not what they seem!

The same credulity and the same cruelty, the same lust of blood, of gold, of filth, the same vulgar pleasures, the same senseless sufferings in the name... why, in the name of the very same shams that Aristophanes jeered at two thousand years ago, the same coarse snares in which the many-headed beast, the multitude, is caught so easily, the same workings of power, the same traditions of slavishness, the same innateness of falsehood in a word, the same busy squirrel's turning in the same old unchanged wheel.... Again Shakespeare would set Lear repeating his cruel: 'None doth offend, which in other words means: 'None is without offence. and he too would say 'enough! he too would turn away.

Other kindly women lent their aid, as well as pillow shams, towels, comforters, bed linen, lamps, wardrobe, bureau, rocking-chairs, lounge, etc. The Davieses were to breakfast and lunch with the Cranstons each day, and to be invited round to dinner until their own cot was ready. And in thus wise did traditional army hospitality vindicate itself.

Yet he cares for me so much that it pained him exceedingly to give me pain yesterday." His character puzzled her. The loving breath, the stern condemnation of whatever was not absolutely true, the disregard of what the world said, the hatred of shams, and most puzzling of all, the often apparent struggle with himself, the unceasing effort to conquer his chief fault.

He could not stay, for Janet would be coming stealthily with her cruse, yes, her cruse; for, so far as he could see by the narrow slips, all was darkness around the dying stranger, in a proud land of liberty and humanity the proudest seen on the face of the earth, or perhaps ever will be seen; yet by-and-by to have more reason to be proud by-and-by, when Kalee would be asleep in the bosom of Brahma, her body only the monument of the shams of that proud land of liberty and humanity, and the true religion of God's covenant from the beginning.

There was the third alternative, that the attitude of Weston and his daughter toward the absent man had fanned her dislike of shams into a blaze of downright rage, and that she had merely ridden a somewhat reckless tilt against her pet aversions. One thing, at least, was certain.

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