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Proceeding next to Gokarna celebrated over the three worlds, and which is situate, O best of kings, in the midst of the deep, and is reverenced by all the worlds, and where the gods headed by Brahma, and Rishis endued with wealth of asceticism, and spirits and Yakshas and Pisachas, and Kinnaras and the great Nagas, and Siddhas and Charanas and Gandharvas, and men and Pannagas, and rivers, Seas and Mountains, worship the lord of Uma, one should worship Isana, fasting there for three nights.

Bathing in it, O foremost of the Kurus, a man obtaineth the merit of giving away a thousand kine. Going to the mountain Sree, one who toucheth the waters of the stream that is there by worshipping there the god having the bull for his mark obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice. On the mountain Sree dwelleth happily, the effulgent Mahadeva with the goddess, as also Brahma with the other gods.

The Srutis declare that he that practises renunciation escapes from birth and death, and obtaining the right rood, that person of fixed soul attains to Brahma. I shall, therefore, O Dhananjaya, go to the woods, with your leave, O scorcher of foes, disregarding all the pairs of opposites, adopting the vow of taciturnity, and walking in the way pointed out by knowledge.

I can neither stand nor move what shall I do?" Vasantaka, seeing her, exclaims, "A most surprising damsel, truly; such another is not to be found in this world. I am confident that when she was created, Brahma was astonished at his own performance." The king is struck with her and observes, "such are my impressions.

You know what happened to Adam and his wife for her transgressions? In another account of what is said to have been the same transaction which is the most sensible account of the two the Supreme Brahma concluded, as he had a little leisure, that he would make a world, and a man and woman. He made the world, the man, and then the woman, and then placed the pair on the Island of Ceylon.

Then approaching Brahma, the lord of celestials, and the witness of the acts of all beings, they with folded hands spake the following words, 'O lord of the celestials, all created beings have become agitated and the mobile and immobile creatures are restless. O lord of the celestials, even the oceans are found to be agitated and this whole earth hath gone down a hundred yojanas.

"Krishna continued, 'Having spoken these words, O king, Jara disappeared there and then. The king having obtained the child then entered the palace. And the king then caused all the rites of infancy to be performed on that child, and ordered a festival to be observed by his people in honour of that Rakshasa woman. And the monarch equal unto Brahma himself then bestowed a name on his child.

But I do not know the answer to your question and you had better go and ask the Buddha." Even more curiously ironical is the account given of the origin of Brahmâ . There comes a time when this world system passes away and then certain beings are reborn in the World of Radiance and remain there a long time.

The ever present Desire of the Creative Will causes lower forms to be succeeded by higher forms and is the moving cause of evolution it is the Evolutionary Urge itself, which ever cries to its manifestations, "Move on; move upward." In the Hindu classic, the "Mahabarata," Brahma created the most beautiful female being ever known, and called her Tillotama.

This identification of Kabir with the deity is interesting as being a modern example of what probably happened in the case of Kṛishṇa. Only in this way can Paramâtmâ be found. The Âtmâ without Śabda is blind and cannot find the path. He who sees Âtmâ-Râm is present everywhere. All he sees is like himself. There is nought except Brahmâ. I am he, I am the true Kabir."

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