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But between us lies this difference I am conscious of all my many lives, but thou lackest remembrance of thine." In the Mahabarata is said: "Even as when he casteth off an old garment, man clothes himself in new raiment, even so the soul, casting off the wornout body, takes on a new body, avoids the fatal paths leading to hell, works for its salvation, and proceeds toward heaven."

In one of the oldest records of the world, the Indian classic Mahabarata, it is stated that 'Krishna's enemies sought the aid of the demons, who built an aerial chariot with sides of iron and clad with wings.

I: Yes, they are if compared with certain minor poets, but they are not great if compared with the popular poetry of India or Greece. Mahabarata, the Koran, and Zend-Avesta, and the Bible, are products of collective efforts therefore they are superior to every personal effort. He: Do you not appreciate the great economists and what they did for the household, and common-wealth in general?

Carey's two missionary principles Destitute in Calcutta Bandel and Nuddea Applies in vain to be under-superintendent of the Botanic Garden Housed by a native usurer Translation and preaching work in Calcutta Secures a grant of waste land at Hasnabad Estimate of the Bengali language, and appeal to the Society to work in Asia and Africa rather than in America The Udny family Carey's summary of his first year's experience Superintends the indigo factory of Mudnabati Indigo and the East India Company's monopolies Carey's first nearly fatal sickness Death of his child and chronic madness of his wife Formation of first Baptist church in India Early progress of Bible translation Sanskrit studies; the Mahabarata The wooden printing-press set up at Mudnabati His educational ideal; school-work The medical mission Lord Wellesley Carey seeks a mission centre among the Bhooteas Describes his first sight of a Sati Projects a mission settlement at Kidderpore.

Accordingly, with his usual rapidity and industry, we find that he had by April 1796 so worked his way through the intricate difficulties of the mother language of the Aryans that he could thus write to Ryland, with more than a mere scholar's enthusiasm, of one of the two great Vedic epics: "I have read a considerable part of the Mahabarata, an epic poem written in most beautiful language, and much upon a par with Homer; and it was, like his Iliad, only considered as a great effort of human genius, I should think it one of the first productions in the world; but alas! it is the ground of faith to millions of the simple sons of men, and as such must be held in the utmost abhorrence."

The ever present Desire of the Creative Will causes lower forms to be succeeded by higher forms and is the moving cause of evolution it is the Evolutionary Urge itself, which ever cries to its manifestations, "Move on; move upward." In the Hindu classic, the "Mahabarata," Brahma created the most beautiful female being ever known, and called her Tillotama.