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"Yes," he said, "there's no doubt about the fact in my own mind; I am just as much in love with that pretty young girl who has left me laughing and joyous, as that ridiculous Jacques is with his beauty at Shadynook. I thought at one time I was in love with Belle-bouche myself, but I was mistaken.

Philippa is a cousin of Belle-bouche; and Belle-bouche is the niece of Aunt Wimple, who is mistress of the Shadynook domain. Philippa has guardians, but it cannot be said they direct her movements. They have given up that task in despair, some years since, and only hope that from the numerous cormorants always hovering around her, she may select one not wholly insatiable with some craw of mercy.

"I see you retain that funny name for me," said the young girl with a smile. "Yes: it is beautiful, as all about Shadynook is the garden most of all yourself excepted of course, madam." "It was very adroitly done, that turn of the sentence," Belle-bouche replied, smiling again pleasantly. "Let us go into the garden, as you admire it so much." And she rose.

He had been informed in town, he said, that his young friend Thomas, withdrawn now some days from college, was at Shadynook; and taking advantage of his acquaintance with Mrs. Wimple, and he was happy to add with Miss Rebecca, he had come to find and have some friendly conversation with Thomas. Had he been at Shadynook, or was he misinformed? The reply was easy.

At an early hour in the forenoon bevies of lovely girls and graceful cavaliers began to arrive, and the various parties scattered themselves over the lawn, the garden, through the grove and the forest, with true sylvan freedom and unrestraint. Shadynook, thanks to the active exertions of Belle-bouche and Philippa, was one bower of roses and other flowers.

He heard instead an invisible voice, which he soon, however, made out as belonging to an Ethiopian lady of the bedchamber; and this voice said: "Miss Becca's done gone out, sir!" And Jacques felt suddenly as if the sunshine all around had faded, and thick darkness followed. All the light and joy of smiling Shadynook was gone she was not there! "Where was she?"

"Methinks," said Jacques, with a species of melancholy grace, "these ribbons would suit your costume at the Arcadian festival, which you have honored me with the management of " "At Shadynook? Oh, yes! would they now?" "I think so, madam. Imagine the crooks wreathed with these ribbons and with flowers the shepherds would go mad with delight." "Then I will get a large roll of this."

He banished the thought that she was playing with his feelings, as soon as it occurred, and gave himself up to the intoxicating happiness which he experienced in her presence. "You will also come to the party, will you not?" he said, smiling. "Oh, yes!" said Philippa; "they could not very well get on without me. In the first place, Bel and myself are to get every thing ready; I mean at Shadynook.

Now I wager ten to one that you were not only playing truant at Shadynook, but making love." "That is perfectly correct, your Excellency." "See, I was right. You are a wild scamp, Tom. Who's your Dulcinea?" "I decline answering that question, your Excellency. But my rival that is different." "Well, your rival?" "The dandified Adonis with the Doctor." "Your friend, is he not?"

"No, no," replied his companion with well-affected modesty; "I a fop! I a pretender to wit? No, no, my dear Sir Asinus, you do me injustice: I am the simplest of mortals, and a very child of innocence. But I was speaking of Shadynook and the fairies of that domain.