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"Oh, Mrs. Parker!" "He is then. And if he brings Sexty and my little ones to the workhouse, what'll be the good then of his guano and his gum?" "Is it not all in the fair way of commerce?" "I'm sure I don't know about commerce, Mrs. Lopez, because I'm only a woman; but it can't be fair.

"I rather think that steady business is best," said Parker. "I hope it's all right about that £750." "Ah; yes; I meant to have told you. I didn't want the money, as it turned out, for much above a fortnight, and as there was no use in letting the bill run out, I settled it." So saying he took out a pocket-book, extracted the bill, and showed it to Sexty. Sexty's heart fluttered in his bosom.

Then he went, leaving Sexty Parker quite aghast. "The First and the Last" When Mr. Wharton was in Coleman Street, having his final interview with Mr. Hartlepod, there came a visitor to Mrs. Lopez in Manchester Square. Up to this date there had been great doubt with Mr. Wharton whether at last the banishment to Guatemala would become a fact. From day to day his mind had changed.

It's liberty 'all here, and you can do as you please. Only when a fellow will take a drop with me he's better company." "Then I'm d bad company, and you'd better get somebody else to be jolly with. To tell you the truth, Sexty, I suit you better at business than at this sort of thing. I'm like Shylock, you know."

Had he done what I had a right to expect, you and I would have been rich men now. But at last I have got a hold upon him up to £5000. As you and I stand, pretty nearly the whole of that will go to you. But don't you spoil it all by making an ass of yourself." Sexty, who was three parts drunk, looked up into his face for a few seconds, and then made his reply. "I'm d d if I believe a word of it."

Whenever, therefore, at some critical moment, a much-needed sum of money was produced, Sexty would become light-hearted, triumphant, and very sympathetic. "Well; I never heard such a story," he had said when Lopez was insisting on his wrongs. "That's what the Dukes and Duchesses call honour among thieves! Well, Ferdy, my boy, if you stand that you'll stand anything."

There was some sympathy and confidence between her and her husband, though they had latterly been much lessened by Sexty's conduct. Mrs. Parker talked daily about the business now that her mouth had been opened, and was very clearly of opinion that it was not a good business. "Sexty don't think it good himself," she said. "Then why does he go on with it?" "Business is a thing, Mrs.

"They've come upon Sexty for a bill for four hundred and fifty, something to do with that stuff they call Bios, and Sexty says it isn't his name at all. But he's been in that state he don't hardly know how to swear to anything. But he's sure he didn't sign it. The bill was brought to him by Lopez, and there was words between them, and he wouldn't have nothing to do with it. How is he to go to law?

But the inky devil sat close upon his shoulders. Where would he be at the end of three months if Mr. Wharton would do nothing for him, and if a certain venture in guano, to which he had tempted Sexty Parker, should not turn out the right way? He believed in the guano and he believed in Mr.

I happen to have taken a share in a loan a little beyond my immediate means, and therefore want a few hundreds. There is no one I can ask with a better grace than you. If you ain't afraid about it, just sign it." "Oh, I ain't afraid," said Sexty, taking his pen and writing his name across the bill.