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Now kiss me, Selah, like the dear little suffering suff you are!" "No, I must be sure you mean that. Men say things to women they do not believe, just to humour them, just to get " "A kiss, yes! I'd vote for you for coroner, Selah, for one kiss to-night!" "Well, you won't get it, Mr. Sasnett, not until I am sure, absolutely sure, you are for us, not against us." "Us! One at a time, Selah, I say.

I say that I left this fellow Sasnett imploring her, paying her undue compliments with this charitable end in view, while Acres waited outside the door of the directors' room. This poor adventurer whom you behold bound at present to your chariot wheel, is none other than 'Bob," he concluded, smiling up at her with whimsical audacity. "But what are you doing out here at this hour?

You promised to name the day." "It will not be this year, if ever," she answered coolly. "Not this year? It must be this year! I'm going to be representative from this county, and I want to take my bride to the Capitol with me." "You don't know whether you will be elected or not, yet, Mr. Sasnett. It depends upon conditions of which you do not now dream. When is the election?"

Regis, calmly folding his paper, looked over the head of his accuser and addressed Sasnett. "Thank you, Sasnett, for saving his dignity. He was a brave soldier. We must never forget that," he said, lifting his hat impersonally to courage as he made his way out of the ring of staring faces. "Let me go, Bob!" screamed the Colonel, struggling. "Did you hear him? Was a brave soldier.

Walton arose and began to speak. As president, Mrs. Sasnett told me she tried to stop her when she realized the iniquitous trend of her remarks. But she was unable to do so. The women in the congregation actually clapped their hands and insisted that she should be allowed to go on.

And as he trod his measure, his right fist shot out at regular intervals, each time nearer and nearer the Judge's nose, and with each motion the Colonel sent forth that ear-splitting yell which had not been heard in Jordantown since a Confederate regiment charged a Federal division there in 1864. Bob Sasnett was the first to reach the scene.

If I'd been gathering flowers for you, Selah, I should have brought bachelor buttons!" he answered as he passed out into the darkened avenue, still carrying his posy ludicrously upside down. It was another month before she or any one else knew what he did with them. She had tried to put Bob Sasnett out of her thoughts, but not very successfully. Love is the finest logic nature ever achieves.

And most of them secretly determined that this was the last they would have to do with the iniquitous thing. But they were sadly mistaken. From opposing suffrage, many of the leading men were now pushing the petition. Coleman, Acres, and Bob Sasnett toured the county in their automobiles to secure signatures.

There's been a committee appointed to draw up resolutions covering that," answered Mrs. Sasnett, who was also a firm woman. "I hope Sarah Mosely has left something to the Civic League and Cemetery Association," said another woman walking behind. "I doubt it, she had no public spirit. We could never interest her in the work. Such a pity."

She was no longer the girl she had been, shrinking, timid, yet filled with longings to live her own life, to do things. Three months ago she had but one outlook, that of marrying Bob Sasnett and spending the remainder of her days as Mrs. Sasnett's daughter-in-law that is to say, in total eclipse.