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The patient brightened amazingly at the mention of the sanitarium, and was more than willing to go. "I've took all kinds of treatment," he creaked, "but I ain't never been to no sanitarium, an' I misdoubt whether they've ever had anybody with green insides. "I reckon," he added, proudly, "that that wanderin' pain in my spine'll stump 'em some to know what it is.

I discover when I am unhappy and selfish and people don't use me right, I need another bump. The cripple girl had traveled ahead of her jealous mother. For selfishness cripples us more than paralysis. Schools of Sympathy When I see a long row of cots in a hospital or sanitarium, I want to congratulate the patients lying there.

"I'll 'tend to your case now jest as close as I can," returned Hiram, meekly. "Well," proceeded the little man, after boring Hiram and then the Cap'n for a time with steely eyes, "I happened to run across one Ferdinand Parrott on the train, and he seemed to have what I've been looking for, a property that I can convert into a sanitarium.

In declaring that to be a mistaken idea, I do not for a moment imply that managers are angels; for such a suggestion would beyond a doubt secure me a quiet summer at some strictly private sanitarium; but I do mean to say that, like the gentleman whom we all know by hearsay, but not by sight, they are not so black as they are painted. Indeed, the manager is more often the pursued than the pursuer.

All that frightful scene came back again to my mind in the strangest manner, as if it had been a scene in which some other person had figured. Once or twice I wondered, in a heavy, senseless way, why they had not hanged me! "When I went back to the Sanitarium, I was informed that the doctor had returned half an hour since, and that he was in his own room anxiously waiting to see me.

Then we were to run in at Absecon, near Atlantic City, and land all hands. They said they would go from Atlantic City to Lakewood, where the sanitarium was located." "Probably they intended to let him go at Absecon and then deny that they had ever touched him," said Dick. "Maybe I don't know anything about that," replied the captain. "But how did you come to change your plans?" asked Tom.

Having, after this, occupied nearly another hour in determining to a hair-breadth how far I should take him into my confidence, I sent for a cab at last, and set off toward three in the afternoon for Hampstead. "I found the Sanitarium with some little difficulty. "Fairweather Vale proved to be a new neighborhood, situated below the high ground of Hampstead, on the southern side.

But the time did not come for a mission to that region till the sanitarium of Darjeeling became the centre of another British district opened up by railway from Calcutta, and now the aboriginal Lepchas are coming in large numbers into the church. Subsequent communications from the Soobah informed them of the Garos of Assam.

Nuera-Ellia as a Sanitarium. A Hill Garden. It is safe to say that in this respect it is the most remarkable part of the island. The entire route is about six thousand feet above sea level.

It was light, and with one passenger could easily be propelled, so as to make swift time. "I'll have the current with me going," the boy thought, as he noted that the stream ran in a general direction toward the sanitarium. "I'll have to paddle back against it.