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"Bai Jove, old chap!" murmured the younger brother, "we're devils in the Forty-twoth!" The other, whose chief sorrow in life was that he could not get the smaller members of the family to look with proper awe on the fact that he had just passed into Sandhurst, gazed wistfully at the speaker, but, realising that there was a locked door between them, tried no active measures.

And there was a curious simplicity in her unconsciousness, and in her attitude, which made her seem almost girlish from a little distance. "There's Mrs. Chepstow," said a man at the next table to Armine's, bending over to his companion, a stout and florid specimen from the City. "And absolutely alone, by Jove!" "Couldn't get even a kid from Sandhurst to-night, I s'pose," returned the other.

The diggings have furnished the expressive phrase 'to make your pile. A 'nugget' pace Archbishop Trench was a Californian importation. When speaking of a goldfield a colonist says 'on. Thus you live 'on Bendigo, but 'in' or 'at' Sandhurst the latter being the new name for the old goldfield town. To 'shout' drinks has no connection with the neuter verb of dictionary English.

But Winn was inclined to think that there might be more fun where there were fewer candidates for it. There was, for instance, Mr. Roper. Maurice was trying to work up for his final examination at Sandhurst with Mr. Roper.

He was of the new Army, Val of the old: it was a constant source of mild surprise to Val that his brother read books about philosophy, and psychology, and sociology, of which pre-war Sandhurst had never heard: read poetry too, not Tennyson or Shakespeare, but slim modern volumes with brown covers and wide margins: and wrote verses now and then, and sent them to orange-coloured magazines or annual anthologies, at which Val gazed from a respectful distance.

He takes a tremendous interest in both your brother and you; he knows the place your brother passed into Sandhurst and where he was in the list when he went out, and last summer he watched for your name in The Sportsman, and when you got any wickets he was as pleased as Punch. He writes to Colonel Marten still."

You're scouts, I see. I was myself, once before I went to Sandhurst. What troop and patrol?" Dick told him, and the officer nodded. "Good work!" he said. "The scouts are going to turn out and help, he? That's splendid! There'll be work enough to go all around, never you fear."

Donald was the apple of his eye, and he was quick to note a certain lack of vitality about the little boy especially when he was growing fast and a certain natural timidity. His letters from school are full of messages to and instructions concerning Donald's physical training, and from Sandhurst he would long to "run over and see after his boxing."

Sir Walter's eldest son was here for some days now gone back to Sandhurst; he is excessively shy, very handsome, not at all literary, but he has sense and honourable principle, and is very grateful to those who were kind to him in Ireland. His younger brother, Charles, who is now at home, has more easy manners, is more conversible, and has more of his father's literary taste.

Harbottle had been for ten years important enough to us all, but her serious significance, the light and the beauty in her, had plainly been reserved for the discovery of this sensitive and intelligent person not very long from Sandhurst and exactly twenty-six. I was barely allowed a familiar reference, and anything approaching a flippancy was met with penetrating silence.