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"How much are they, and how large are the bunches?" "Prices differ, and they are the right size to appear well. They had better see for themselves." The maid reached for the basket, but the Harvester drew back. "I keep them in my possession," he said. "You may take a sample." He lifted the leaves and drew forth a medium-sized bunch of long-stemmed blue violets with their leaves.

Can truth give me a handsome suburban with some five hundred slaves, or raise me to the duumvirate? Let it do this, and I will worship it; it shall be my god; it shall be more to me than Fortune, Fate, Rome, or any other goddess on the list. But I like to see, and touch, and feel, and handle, and weigh, and measure what is promised me. I wish to have a sample and an instalment.

"'The next time I went around to his town I wore the same old good smile and everything of that kind but I soon saw that he did not take to me as kindly as before. When I asked him to come over to my sample room, he said to me, "No, I will not go over I shall not buy any more goods from you." ""Why, what is the matter?" I asked. ""Oh, never mind, I just don't care to handle your line," said he.

Her tactlessness had been the cause of many a disaster, but she remained incorrigible, in spite of repeated and severe snubbings and even bitter insults. No sooner had she entered the room than Wilhelm received a sample of her peculiar style. Anne announced the Countess Cuerbo.

It is not convenient to make it of larger size than the dimensions given, when a watch-book is to be used, although it is perfectly feasible to make the horizontal rulings 8 lines to the inch instead of 5 lines to the inch as on the sample sheet. There will have to be, in almost all cases, a large number of note sheets on the same subject.

As I have mentioned tapestry I may say that it resembled a sort of tapestry that is very rare and costly, of which I have seen a sample in a private collection at Frankfort, and another in the Palazzo Bardini at Florence. It consists of the threads being drawn over plates of gold and silver.

A mixture of pure lithium chloride and barium bromide weighing 0.6 gram is treated with 45.15 cubic centimeters of 0.2017 N silver nitrate, and the excess titrated with 25 cc. of 0.1 N KSCN solution, using ferric alum as an indicator. Calculate the percentage of bromine in the sample. !Answer!: 40.11%.

Bein' you put up th' money I would say polite and likewise explain ez how the skins uv animiles is propper fur signs an' not numbers bein' ez cabins is not railroad cars." This is a fair sample of the letters which were received by Mr. Temple, by Mr. Ellsworth, and even at National Scout Headquarters, which Jeb Rushmore called "the main ranch."

"That is only a small sample of what my force will do," he said. "In the proper machine it will be ten times more strong. The conditions here are not exactly harmonious. Now, are you satisfied, Professor Henderson?" "Yes. I could not help but be after that demonstration, it is wonderful." "And you will make the projectile for me for us?" "I will. I'll start at once." "Good!

Nor does this recipe stand alone. Take another sample, of which chapter and verse are to be found in the MSS. of a Jesuit, Gaspard Schott, of Palermo and Rome, born three hundred years ago: "The shells of hen-eggs, if properly filled and well secured against the penetration of the air, and exposed to solar rays, will ascend to the skies and sometimes suffer a natural change.