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"I won't, mum," said Biddy; and indeed she did not feel anxious for Crazy Sall's further acquaintance, though the failing mentioned by her mistress did not surprise or shock her, she knew too many people in the neighbourhood of Buzley's Court who were troubled in the same way.

Slick's Opinion of the British XVII. A Yankee Handle for a Halifax Blade XVIII. The Grahamite and the Irish Pilot XIX. The Clockmaker Quilts a Bluenose XX. Sister Sall's Courtship XXI. Setting up for Governor XXII. A Cure for Conceit XXIII. The Blowin' Time XXIV. Father John O'Shaughnessy XXV. Taming a Shrew XXVI. The Minister's Horn Mug XXVII. The White Nigger XXVIII. Fire in the Dairy XXIX. A Body Without a Head XXX. A Tale of Bunker's Hill XXXI. Gulling a Bluenose XXXII. Too many Irons in the Fire XXXIII. Windsor and the Far West

'I'll chop you up as fine as mince meat, you villain, said he, 'if ever I catch you inside my door agin; mind what I tell you, YOU'LL SWING FOR IT YET. Well, he made himself considerable scarce arter that, he never sot foot inside the door agin, and I thought he had gin up all hopes of Sall, and she of him; when one night, a most particular uncommon dark night, as I was a-comin' home from neighbour Dearborne's, I heerd some one a-talkin' under Sall's window.

So Bill at last goes up to the first lieutenant, and whispers something, and the first lieutenant booms him off with his speaking trumpet, as if he were making too free, in whispering to his commanding officer, and then sends for the master-at-arms. `Collier, says he, `this man has lost his wife's shoe: let a search be made for it immediately take all the ship's boys, and look everywhere for it; if you find it bring it up to me. So away goes the master-at-arms with his cane, and collects all the boys to look for Sall's shoe and they go peeping about the maindeck, under the guns, and under the hen-coops, and in the sheep-pen, and everywhere; now and then getting a smart slap with the cane behind, upon the taut part of their trowsers, to make them look sharp, until they all wished Sall's shoe at Old Nick, and her too, and Bill in the bargain.

"Not I, faith," growled the party addressed, I've enough to do to steer the craft without thinking o' meddling with Sall's apron at this time o' night."

But Bill still hallooed out about his wife's shoe, which it appeared she had dropped off her foot as she was going up the forecastle ladder to take the air a bit, just as it was dark. At last Bill made so much fuss about it that the ship's company laughed, and all called out to each other, `Who has seen Sall's shoe?

Well he fairly turned Sall's head; the more we wanted her to give him up the more she wouldn't, and we got plaguy oneasy about it, for his character was none of the best.

I won't consent to Sall's goin' to them 'ere huskin' parties and quiltin' frolics along with you no more, on no account, for you know how Polly Brown and Nancy White 'Now don't, says he, 'now don't, Uncle Sam, say no more about that; if you knowed all you wouldn't say it was my fault; and besides, I have turned right about, I am on t'other tack now, and the long leg, too; I am as steady as a pump bolt now.

'Now, sais I, 'I'll mend my trowsers I tore, a goin' to see the ruin on the road yesterday; so I takes out Sister Sall's little needle-case, and sows away till I got them to look considerable jam agin; 'and then, sais I, 'here's a gallus button off, I'll jist fix that, and when that was done, there was a hole to my yarn sock, so I turned too and darned that. "'Now, sais I, 'how goes it?

A young man in a bright scarlet jersey pushed himself to the front, followed by a little volley of chaff, more or less good-natured. "There's Salvation Joe wants a new trombone." "Christian Sall's blown a hole in the old one, eh, Joe?" Breathless he reached Brooks' side. The sweat stood out in beads upon his forehead. He seemed not to hear a word that was said amongst the crowd.