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I should be afraid to say how much I read, but to it I owe, doubtless, a stock of extensive, if shallow, general knowledge. Certainly it appears to have influenced me to this day; for given a similar one I can wander from shipbuilding to St. Thomas Aquinas; from the Atomic Theory to the Marquis de Sade; from Kant to the building of dams; and never feel dull.

Realising the Marquis de Sade as his father had realised Macchiavelli, he delighted in mingling together debauchery and cruelty, and his amusement consisted in biting the lips he had kissed, and tearing with his nails the forms he had caressed.

"Yes, why, Lordy Sade don't you see? You thought I was dead, and I thought you was dead, that's what's the matter. But I never reckoned that you'd think me dead until Chivers allowed that it must be so." Her face whitened in the moonlight "Chivers?" she said blankly. "In course; but nat'rally you don't know him, honey. He only saw you onc't.

"No, dear," he said soothingly, "no; only, you see, I giv' my word to 'em as I giv' my house to-night, and I'm bound to protect them and see 'em through. Why, Lordy! Sade, you'd have done the same for Chivers." "Yes, yes," she said, beating her hands together strangely, "of course. He was so kind to bring me back to you. And you might have never found me but for him."

One afternoon at six, when Dulcie was sticking her hat-pin within an eighth of an inch of her medulla oblongata, she said to her chum, Sadie the girl that waits on you with her left side: "Say, Sade, I made a date for dinner this evening with Piggy." "You never did!" exclaimed Sadie admiringly. "Well, ain't you the lucky one? Piggy's an awful swell; and he always takes a girl to swell places.

Then came Louis XV., who was too feeble to maintain even the poor decent restraints imposed by Louis XIV.; so the serf-mastering caste became active in a new way, and their leaders in vileness unutterable became at last Fronsac and De Sade. Then came "the deluge." The spirit of the serf-mastering caste, as left by Richelieu, was a main cause of the miseries which brought on the French Revolution.

He was then aged twenty-one, and she was twelve or thirteen; she belonged to the illustrious family of Sade. Now it so happens that the chief authority for the history of Petrarch is the Abbe de Sade, who set to work with a determination to show that his family were lineal descendants of Petrarch's Laura, and he ingenuously left out such particulars as militated against his doctrine.

"That'll be all, Sade!" interposed the man stiffly adding: "By the way, I got a queer piece of news to tell you. Come into the kitchen a minute." Grumbling, rebellious, scowling, yet unable to resist the lure of a "queer piece of news," Mrs. Hazen followed her husband indoors, leaving Dick and his pet to gambol deliriously around the clothes-festooned yard in celebration of their victory.

He's here with some of his folks az hez got inter trouble I'm forgettin' to tell ye. You see" "Yes, yes, yes!" she interrupted hysterically; "and this is the Mill?" "Yes, lovey, the Mill my mill YOUR mill the house I built for you, dear. I'd show it to you now, but you see, Sade, I'm out here standin' guard." "Are YOU one of them?" she said, clutching his hand desperately.

His grave face only broadened into a smile, as he held both her hands in his. "Yes, it's me Lordy! Why, I was comin' only to-morrow to find ye, Sade!" She glanced hurriedly around her, "To to find me," she said incredulously. "Sartain! That ez, I was goin' to ask about ye, goin' to ask about ye at the convent." "At the convent?" she echoed with a frightened amazement.