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Updated: August 19, 2024

I forgot to mention that she walked with a cane, having had a severe attack of rheumatics since her arrival in "the great Norrurd," and at every step she hit the pavements in such a manner as to startle the rising generation of Abolitionists, and it had the good effect of preventing any of them from calling out to her, "Where did you get your face painted, you black nigger, you?" which would otherwise have occurred.

We know the effect of damp weather upon rheumatics, and of the east wind upon gouty subjects, but too little allowance is made for the influence of weather upon the spirits and the conduct of men.

I remember you now," said Mrs. Drabdump. "Won't you come under my umbrella? You must be drenched to the skin." "It don't matter, sir. I can't take no hurt. I've had the rheumatics this twenty year." Mrs. Drabdump shrank from accepting Wimp's attentions, not so much perhaps because he was a man as because he was a gentleman. Mrs.

Just outside Poperinghe we met company after company of men, armed with towels, waiting by the roadside for baths in the brewery, and, as we passed, one old fellow, who declared that his "rheumatics was that bad he couldn't wash," was trying to sell a brand-new cake of soap for the promise of a drink.

"I would much rather have rheumatism than itchy stockings," she protested quite gravely. "I don't mind a bit, Aunt Pike. And well, you see we can't be sure that we shall have an old age, or rheumatics." Mrs. Pike grew really angry. "Put on those stockings at once, miss, and fasten them to your suspenders. Kitty, fasten yours too."

"Poor dear!" said Ruth. "Don't the new medicine do any good?" "Lawsy me, child! I've drenched myself with doctor's stuff till I'm ashamed to look a medicine bottle in the face. My worn out old carcass can't be helped much by any drugs at all. I guess, as my poor old mother used to say, the only sure cure for rheumatics is graveyard mould." "Oh, Aunt Alvirah!"

'As they sy in the Bible, she finished, 'it's enough ter mike one's grey 'airs go dahn into the ground in sorrer. I can show yer my marriage certificate. Of course one doesn't like ter say much, because of course she's very bad; but if she got well I should 'ave given 'er a talkin' ter. There was another knock. 'Do go an' see 'oo thet is; I can't, on account of my rheumatics. Mrs.

"Hallo, my cute old boy, you have a good nose on you to be able to smell Polyte's cookery from your own house!" A roar of laughter burst forth from the throats of those present. Malivoire, excited by his success, went on: "There's nothing for the rheumatics like a chitterling poultice! It keeps your belly warm, along with a glass of three-six!"

"For a regular single gentleman as rises in the morning and goes out, and comes in and takes 'is dinner, and goes to bed like the Medes and Persians, I've never seen 'is equal; an' it's five-and-twenty years since 'Olmes died, 'avin' a bad liver through takin' gin for rheumatics; an' Lizbeth Peevey says to me, 'Take lodgers, Jemima; not that they pays for the trouble, but it 'ill keep an 'ouse'....

He endured Aix-les-Bains and its rheumatics, with their bridge-whist and late dinners and incongruous dissipations, for a fortnight.

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