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Besides which, the merry Christmas in glassified form with which I had encouraged myself at Peg-leg's, and the wad of that beautiful sensitive plant, the long green, which was reposin' on my heart, says to me: 'Scraggsy, spring yourself jump, boy, jump!

"Now I thinks of it I might bresh up the recollections of a mornin' when I rolls over, blankets an' all, onto something that feels as big as a boot-laig an' plenty squirmy; an' how I shows zeal a-gettin' to my feet, knowin' I'm reposin' on a rattlesnake who's bunked in ag'in my back all sociable to warm himse'f.

"And the owner's reposin' in his cabin." But in a lower key he added words for his own ears. "There's the old woman to meet. Lord! but the Willing Mind has cost me dear." Norris wanted a holiday. He stood in the marketplace looking southwards to the chimney-stacks, and dilating upon the subject to three of his friends.

"Primitive; but effective, I've no doubt. I must see it in operation." And an hour later he's still there, reposin' comf'table in an office chair with his feet on the windowsill, smokin' cigarettes, and throwin' off chunks of classy dialogue that had Swifty Joe gawpin' at him like he was listenin' to a foreign language. "My assistant, Mr. Gallagher," says I, by way of apologizin'.

There ain't goin' to be any runnin' out an' makin' a poison play on the street not with all them jools reposin' under the pillow. Savve? Even if you didn't die, you'd be in the hands of the police with a whole lot of explanations comin'. Emetics is the stuff for poison. I'm just as bad bit as you, an' I'm goin' to take a emetic. That's all they'd give you at a drug store, anyway."

There ain't goin' to be any runnin' out an' makin' a poison play on the street not with all them jools reposin' under the pillow. Savve? Even if you didn't die, you'd be in the hands of the police with a lot of explanations comin'. Emetics is the stuff for poison. I'm just as bad bit as you, an' I'm goin' to take a emetic. That's all they'd give you at a drug store, anyway."

The sun wuz a gettin' low and piles of clouds wuz in the west and all their light wuz reflected in the calm water. And the beautiful soft shadows rested there on that rosy and golden light, some like the shadow of a beautiful and sorrowful memory, a restin' down and reposin' on a divine hope, an infinite sweetness.

He said 't I could have the name below 'n' let the eagle be writin' 'Repose in Peace, but I told him 't father died of paralysis after bein' in bed for twenty years 'n' that his idea o' Heaven wasn't reposin' in peace, he always looked forward to walkin' about 'n. bein' pretty lively there.

My name is Prudy. My mother didn't put me in here because I was a naughty girl, for I haven't done nothing nor nothing nor nothing. Do you want to hear some singing? 'O, come, come away, From labor now reposin'; Let busy Caro, wife of Barrow, Come, come away!" "Prudy, what's the matter?" said mamma, from the next room. "Didn't you hear somebody singing?" said Prudy; "well, 'twas me."

I gaed ower the links; for my man had the profitless habit at that time, whilk he's gien up for a mair profitless still, o' stravaguin' aboot upo' the seashore, wi' 's han's in 's pooches, and his chin reposin' upo' the third button o' 's waistcoat all which bears hard upo' what the laird says aboot's jealousy.