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He has taken the place of Aunt Patty, who is tired out and has gone to rest". "Well, that piece of flesh, what's called McNab, has the greatest fakkilty of gittin' tired eout when there's any work reound, that ever I see. Any heow, she's got to stir herself this time. But I want to see the minister, neow". "Yes, I will speak to him. But I shall not call Aunt Patty. She is tired now.

Wal, ter make a long matter short, then ye drop yer thumb onter some thread an' cast up seven stetches an' knit reound fur yer hand, an' every other time you narry them seven stetches away ter one, fur the gore." "Dear me, Aunt Mimy! do be quiet a minute! I believe mother's a-calling." "I'll see," said Aunt Mimy, and she stepped to the door and listened.

"That's jest the way I expected yeou'd look", said he, "when I told ye abeout it, because ye knew I used to talk agin it, like fury. But ye see, Captin'; I aint just as I used to be, abeout some things. I'll tell ye heow it came reound, any heow, so as to sahtisfy ye I ain't crazy.

"Well, no, Captin'; I hain't, and I'm afeerd I shall never like another place as I dew that. But ye see, ef a feller is a goin' to git merried, he's got to stir reound and dew what suits other folks as well as hisself". "Married! Micah", I said, in complete astonishment, "are you going to be married?"

S'pose Captin', we jest make a surkit reound through the rest of these hills, maybe we'll light on 'em agin". "Agreed", responded John. They skirted the enclosure, but without a chance for another shot.

And there's others, most as smart as she is, all reound, that need schoolin'. I feel the want of it myself, neow its tew late to git it". A few days ago, Micah told me he expected to build a new house for himself soon. "Ah! Micah", said I, "have you got tired of that comfortable old house of yours, where we have had so many nice suppers and cosey times together?"

"Them Doobyce's came to the kentry, jest ten year before I did. Well, I've heerd say, the Square came fust. He didn't set himself up for anything great at all, but explored reound the region a spell, and was kinder pleasant to most anybody he came across.

"Well, the pesky critters reound here ruther took to him, and he bought a great lot o' land and got workmen and built a house, and fetched his wife and baby here. So they've lived here ever since. But they're no more like the rest o' the people in these parts, than I'm like you, and it has allers been a mystery to me why they should stay. But I s'pose they know their own bissiniss best.

Sartin, Vesty 's done herself reound him from childhood to old age, as ye might say. I don't know whether he c'd ever unkile himself or not, but I shouldn't want to bet on no man's 'charnces with a woman like Vesty all weound areound and reound him that way. "He is rich, then?" "Wal, yes. They own teown prop'ty somewhars, and they own all the Neck here, and lays areound on her through the summer.

"I got off the train by mistake, thinking it was my station, and before I discovered it the train had gone and left me," Margaret explained, with dignity. "Yeh didn't 'xpect it t' sit reound on th' plain while you was gallivantin' up water-tanks, did yeh?" Cold horror froze Margaret's veins. She was dumb for a second. "I am on my way to Ashland station.