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Updated: August 5, 2024

Granted the conditions, it was, Browning maintains, an act of entire sanity on the part of his sorry hero, Monsieur Léonce Miranda, to fling himself into mid air, to put his faith to the final test, and trust to our Blessed Lady, the bespangled and bejewelled Ravissante, to bear him in safety through the air.

When well greased and rendered somewhat stiff by the solids thus introduced, it is plaited into at least two hundred fine plaits; each of these plaits is then smeared with a mixture of sandal-wood dust and either gum water or paste of dhurra flour. On the last day of the operation, each tiny plait is carefully opened by the long hairpin or skewer, and the head is ravissante.

He drank up the dregs of the wine still left in the bottle, and when he had finished it he said: "AKH! PARDON, maybe you wanted some more. It was horribly careless of me. Le matin je sortais, visits, 5 heures regulierement. I used to go and dine with her; often she was alone. Il faut avouer que c'etait une femme ravissante! You didn't know her at all, did you?" "No."

With a twinkle in his eyes, he made her a little formal inclination, and she, knowing what he was thinking, answered with an old-world curtsey, after which a grinning ox-teamster of habitant extraction turned and clapped Nasmyth's shoulder approvingly. "V'la la belle chose!" he said. "Mamselle Laura is altogether ravissante. Me, I dance with no one else if she look at me like dat."

The pianoforte performances of Chopin took up by far the greater part of the programme, which was varied by two arias from Adam's "La Rose de Peronne," sung by Mdme. Damoreau Cinti, who was as usual "ravissante de perfection," and by Ernst's "Elegie," played by the composer himself "in a grand style, with passionate feeling and a purity worthy of the great masters."

When well greased and rendered somewhat stiff by the solids thus introduced, it is plaited into at least two hundred fine plaits; each of these plaits is then smeared with a mixture of sandal-wood dust and either gum water or paste of dhurra flour. On the last day of the operation, each tiny plait is carefully opened by the long hair-pin or skewer, and the head is ravissante.

Follingsbee's dressing-room. "You don't know, mignonne," said Mrs. Follingsbee, "how perfectly ravissante these apartments are! I'm so glad poor Charlie did them so well for you. I laid my commands on him, poor fellow!" "Pray, how does your affair with him get on?" said Lillie. "O dearest! you've no conception what a trial it is to me to keep him in the bounds of reason.

While the girl disposed of the articles she chattered in French: "Je pensais que Madame rentrerait un peu plus tard " "Yes," replied Virginia languidly, "we returned much earlier than we expected. The opera was stupid " Josephine, a born diplomat, stopped short and, going into ecstasies over her mistress's gown, exclaimed rapturously: "Oh, que Madame est jolie ce soir, vraiement ravissante!"

She adjusted her hat and proceeded through the long corridors out into the prison yard, and thence into the old prison where Tulitz was confined. The guard who had sent her Tulitz's letter led her to his cell, and brought a stool for her to sit upon outside his grated iron door. "My ravissante Corinne!" cried Tulitz.

"It is exquisite ravissante!" "It was an inspiration, your putting it on," said Phyllis. "I wonder if she really had no subtle suggestion from her own heart that you were on your way to her, Mr. Linton," she added, turning to the husband. "I dare say it was some inward prompting of that mysterious nature, Miss Ayrton," he replied. "A woman's heart is barometric in its nature, it is not?

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