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Updated: August 8, 2024

If into this fiery soul of the Senora's could have been dropped one second's knowledge of the relative positions she and Ramona already occupied in Felipe's heart, she would, on the spot, have either died herself or have slain Ramona, one or the other. But no such knowledge was possible; no such idea could have found entrance into the Senora's mind.

It is Carmena, I am sure. That was the corner where they buried Jose. I will speak to her;" and leaving Ramona at the gate, he went slowly on, saying in a low voice, in the Luiseno language, "Carmena, is that you? Have no fear. It is I, Alessandro!" It was Carmena.

They understood each other well enough for practical purposes, and their unity in aim, and in affection for Ramona, made a bond so strong, it could not have been enhanced by words. It was past sundown when they left San Bernardino, but a full moon made the night as good as day for their journey. When it first shone out, Aunt Ri, pointing to it, said curtly, "Thet's lucky."

When Margarita, in triumph, had flown to tell her that the Senora had just dragged the Senorita Ramona up the garden-walk, and shoved her into her room and locked the door, and that it was because she had caught her with Alessandro at the washing-stones, Marda first crossed herself in sheer mechanical fashion at the shock of the story, and then cuffed Margarita's ears for telling her.

Even in the dusk he could see its look of incredulous horror. He misread it. "I only came to look at you once more," he continued. "I will go now. May the saints bless you, my Senorita, always. I think the Virgin sent you to me to-night. I should never have seen your face if you had not come." While he was speaking, Ramona had buried her face in his bosom.

However, as the spring began in the very heart of the village, they could not take it without destroying the village. "And the Ravallos would surely never let that be done," thought Ramona. "While they live, it will not happen." It was a sad day for Ramona and Alessandro when the kindly Hyers pulled up their tent-stakes and left the valley.

"That's all, little lady, 'cept that I kept th' cap, not thinkin' much about it, until I heard you gentlemen inquirin' for news of the Ramona. I heard some one spell out that there name in these letters for me," and he indicated the name on the cap. "Then I spoke to you, boss." "Yes, and I'm glad you did," said Jack. "'Why?" began Cora. "Do you think "

"Pshaw!" said the Senora, contemptuously, half amused, in spite of her wrath, by the girl's, as she thought, bootless vehemence, "you talk like a fool. Do you not know that I can shut you up in the nunnery to-morrow, if I choose?" "No, you cannot!" replied Ramona. "Who, then, is to hinder me." said the Senora, insolently. "Alessandro!" answered Ramona, proudly. "Alessandro!" the Senora sneered.

"We must make all the speed we can, dearest Senorita," he said, "for a few hours. Then we will rest. Before light, we will be in a spot where we can hide safely all day. We will journey only by night, lest they pursue us." "They will not," said Ramona. "There is no danger. The Senora said she should do nothing. 'Nothing!" she repeated, in a bitter tone. "That is what she made Felipe say, too.

The Mission of Santa Barbara, however, is in fairly good repair, and a few Franciscan Fathers still reside there and carry on a feeble imitation of their former life. It is on his way to this Mission that the traveler passes the reputed residence of Ramona.

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