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Every shot that was fired hit the board, but there was one man who came a little closer to the spot than any other one, and the Whitworth was awarded him; and as we just turned round to go back to camp, a buck rabbit jumped up, and was streaking it as fast as he could make tracks, all the boys whooping and yelling as hard as they could, when Jimmy Webster raised his gun and pulled down on him, and cut the rabbit's head entirely off with a minnie ball right back of his ears.

But as she watched him sitting there, dreaming in the warm sunshine, her anger began to melt away. The fact is, Old Mother Nature was like all the rest of Mr. Rabbit's neighbors she just couldn't help loving happy-go-lucky Mr. Rabbit in spite of all his faults. With a long stick she reached in and tickled the end of his nose. "Mr. Rabbit sneezed, and this made him wake up.

Most of the song birds hop like the Sparrow, and most of the game birds walk like a Chicken. A Rabbit's Story of His Life, Written by Himself Yes, the Rabbit wrote it himself and about himself in the oldest writing on earth, that is the tracks of his feet.

She had the softest and most beautiful brown eyes you ever saw, bright as a star and soft as a rabbit's and such hair, it was all in crinkles and waves, breaking out into curls let her braid and twist it as she would brown when she sat by me at her sewing-work in the morning, and shining out like gold when the sun lay in the porch.

After a great deal of very careful work, Doctor Rabbit, Jack Rabbit, and O. Possum managed to get the cow's head outside the circle of traps. Then every one of Doctor Rabbit's friends helped to pull and push the cow's head. It was a queer procession! After quite a while they succeeded in pushing and pulling the cow's head to the slim hickory tree.

And to Nimble's amazement they reached up to do as they were told. But Nimble's antlers were too high for them. It was a bad moment for Jimmy Rabbit. Billy Woodchuck and Fatty Coon had come early to Jimmy Rabbit's party. And Jimmy had told them to hang their hats and coats upon his new hat-rack meaning Nimble Deer's antlers.

Is it worse than a weasel with its teeth in a rabbit's throat? One weasel or many rabbits? One or the other must go!" He was taking the bitterness of life badly. She was rather sorry for him. "We will go back to the house," he said. "I don't want to walk out." They went past the lilac-tree, whose bronze leaf-buds were coming unfastened.

Now and again, the sharp report of a shotgun echoed down the wood; and once, late at night, when Brock climbed up from the "oven" to sit awhile on the mound before his door, the scent of blood was strong in the passage leading to the rabbit's quarters. Unfortunate bunny!

Killigrew lay on his stomach and gazed his fill, his thin nostrils dilating rather like a rabbit's, as they always did if he were moved by anything a trick which, with his light eyelashes, had won for him the name of "Bunny."

Then he sometimes has Peter Rabbit's bad habit of killing trees by gnawing bark all around as high up as he can reach." "Can he climb trees?" asked Chatterer the Red Squirrel. "Just about as much as Johnny Chuck can," replied Old Mother Nature. "Sometimes he climbs up in low bushes or in small, low-branching trees to cut off tender shoots, but he doesn't do much of this sort of thing.