United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Now and then, however, there were references to his expectation of realizing some long anticipated pleasure; and the name of "Bunny" began to appear frequently. "What do you make of it?" asked Thad, after they had read for half an hour; he relied upon the sagacity of his companion to solve what was proving a puzzle to him.

It was just by going to Gurn's place to pump him, rather than anything else, that I found the noble lord's remains locked away in the trunk." "Your modesty is delightful, Juve," said M. Fuselier with an approving nod. "You present things as if they were all matters of course, whereas really you are proving your extraordinary instinct.

The total distance travelled was 17 miles. The course generally West by South, clearly proving that they could not be on the Escape. 'February' 1.

He tested himself, in order to assimilate this as a conviction, and he felt that there was virtue in the idea. This higher nature stood in mystical connection with so much in his life; far back into his childhood he could trace it, as an abundant promise. So many had involuntarily expected something from him; he had listened to them with wonder, but now their expectation was proving prophetic.

Tempting offers of wealth proving of no avail, the sultan threatened the bold commander with the murder of his son George, a prisoner in his hands. This proved equally unavailing, and the siege went on. It went on, indeed, until Solyman was himself vanquished, and by an enemy he had not taken into account in his thirst for glory the grim warrior Death. Temper killed him.

She was much provoked when Marriott, by way of proving to her that Miss Portman could not have been tired of being left alone, told her that she had been in the dressing-room rummaging over the books. "What books?" cried Lady Delacour. "I forgot that they were left there. Miss Portman is not reading them still, I suppose?

At the end of ten minutes one had been struck several times, and her captain ran her close in shore, he and his crew deserting her; while after avoiding only by a miracle at least a dozen shots, the last prahu suddenly turned in by a branch of the river and seemed to go right amongst the palm-trees, when, after a parting shot or two, the steamer proving quite unsuited for chase in such narrow, shallow waters, the lieutenant gave it up, his crew being too weak to continue the chase with the boats.

At the same time he knew that the present street-car service of Chicago was by no means bad. Would he be proving unfaithful to the trust imposed on him by the great electorate of Illinois if he were to advantage Cowperwood's cause?

Dimly I could descry The stern black-bearded kings, with wolfish eyes, Waiting to see me die. "The tall masts quivered as they lay afloat, The temples and the people and the shore; One drew a sharp knife through my tender throat Slowly, and nothing more." The wind now proving fair the fleet made sail and brought the forces to the coast of Troy.

Popular experience, certain modern scientific investigation, and the facts which one can often verify when the soil, which was malarious in ancient times and which has since ceased to be so, is turned up to a great depth, all agree in proving that the ground remains inoffensive as long as it is not placed in certain conditions indispensable for the multiplication of this specific ferment.