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"What is it, old chap?" "I'm thinking we ought to begin to find that fortune for her after breakfast." "Why, it isn't quite the right season for fortune hunting, yet at least, not in Arcadia," answered Bellew, shaking his head. "Oh! but why not?" "Well, the moon isn't right, for one thing." "The moon!" echoed Small Porges.

"Certainly, my Porges," nodded Bellew, drawing the small figure down beside him, "I was forgetting the dragons, but there they are, with scaly backs, and iron claws, spitting out sparks and flames, just as self-respecting dragons should, and roaring away like thunder."

At last she spoke, though with her eyes still hidden: "Unless!" she repeated breathlessly. "Anthea, look at me!" But Anthea only drooped her head the lower; wherefore, he leaned forward, and even as Small Porges had done, set his hand beneath the dimple in her chin, and lifted the proud, un-willing face: "Anthea, look at me!" And now, what could Anthea do but obey?

And gaily they bore it, and gaily sang their unwitting way towards the unwitting couple of lovers, who never let go hands until they were near enough to feel all eyes burn into them to read their secret. This was vastly well; but Master Porges' present bent was towards policy. Her ladyship had advised with him in her new occasions.

"An' then she asked me why I was so fond of you, an' I said 'cause you were my Uncle Porges that I found under a hedge. An' then she got more angrier than ever, an' said she wished I'd left you under the hedge " "Did she, my Porges?" "Yes; she said she wished she'd never seen you, an' she'd be awful' glad when you'd gone away.

The Haunting Spectre of the Might Have Been, What a preposterous ass! what a monumental idiot I was!" "Posterous ass, isn't a very pretty word, Uncle Porges, or continental idiot!" said a voice behind him, and turning, he beheld Small Porges somewhat stained, and bespattered with ink, who shook a reproving head at him.

"Ah!" exclaimed Small Porges, nestling closer to Bellew, and reaching out a hand to Auntie Anthea, "that's fine! let's have plenty of dragons." "Do you think a er dozen would be enough, my Porges?" "Oh yes! But s'pose the beautiful Princess didn't open the door, what would you do if you were really a wandering knight who was waiting patiently for it to open, what would you do then?"

"Sancta Isolda, Sancta Isolda, Genetricis Ancilla," went the choir, "Ora, ora pro nobis." And then "Quoe de coelis volitans, Sacras manus agitans, Foves in suppliciis Me, ne extra gregulo Tuo unus ferulo Pereat in vitiis."... and so on. The youngsters sang with a good will, while Master Porges, as poet and man of piety, glowed in his skin.

"Well, you see, it doesn't rest with me altogether, my Porges." "Then who " he was beginning, but Anthea's soft voice interrupted him. "Georgy dear, didn't Prudence send you to tell us that breakfast was ready?" "Oh yes! I was forgetting, awfull' silly of me wasn't it! But you are going to stay Oh a long, long time, aren't you, Uncle Porges?" "I sincerely Hope so!" answered Bellew.

As Heinrich Porges and Gustav Schonaich sometimes joined us, we founded an intimate little circle and met regularly. On Christmas Eve I invited them all to my house, where I had the Christmas tree lighted up, and gave each one an appropriate trifle. Some work also came my way again, for Tausig asked me to help him with a concert which he was to give in the great Redouten-Saal.