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Updated: August 29, 2024

Hinchey, and say plainly what you have to say, I shall be obliged," retorted Bernard, exasperated by his shiftiness. Jasper was unmoved. "Easy t' see you ain't ben in pol'tics long. Wall, whut I've got t' say is this: I used t' work fer this party off 'n' on, this party whose name I ain't a-mentionin'. He wuz in pol'tics too. Likewise run a quarry an' s'm'other things t' num'rous t' mention.

How's de Guv'ment gwine call a gen'elman 'destructively disloyal' when he ready any minit to pass shots with his bes' fren's, ef dey don' 'gree with his pol'tics an' his pol'tics is on de side er Marse Ab'am Lincoln an' de Yankees?" The phrase "constructively disloyal" rankled in his soul.

Howsomever, I thought you was dead set against aristocrats anyway your pol'tics was for what you call masses, not classes, nor asses neither. Them was your sentiments not long ago, worn't they?" Mr. Netlips drew himself up with an air of offended dignity. "You forestall me wrong, Thomas Bainton," he said "And I prefer not to amplify the conference.

Thar's plenty of bunkless gents, however, besides him, an' as he sinks into them sound an' dreamless slumbers which is the her'tage of folks whose consciences run trop, he hears 'em drinkin' an' talkin' an' barterin' mendacity, an' argyfyin' pol'tics on all sides. "'My grandfather sleeps on for hours, an' is only aroused from them torpors, final, by some sport chunkin' him a thump in the back.

I had settled by this time into a chair convenient to my reminiscent companion, and relishing the restful ease after a twenty-mile run, decided to prolong the talk. Feeling for subjects, I became tentatively curious concerning politics. "Cow people," said my friend, "never saveys pol'tics.

'No, says Colonel Sterett, 'my own personal parent simmers down a whole lot compared to my grandfather. He don't take his pol'tics so much to heart; his democracy ain't so virulent an' don't strike in. His only firm stand on questions of state, as I relates the other day, is when he insists on bein' nootral doorin' the late war.

"Wot's the Loot'nt-Guvnor up to now, Sawed-Off?" inquired the doorkeeper genially, as the elevator returned to the ground floor. "Ide'no!" replied the little page with equal affability. "Goin' in fer pol'tics, I guest. Jeest! Wot a slob it wuz wot?"

"'Pol'tics, remarks Colonel Sterett on that o'casion, re-fillin' his glass for the severaleth time, 'jest nacherally oozes from a editor, as you-all who reads reg'larly the Coyote b'ars witness; he's saturated with pol'tics same as Huggins is with whiskey. As for myse'f, aside from my vocations of them tripods, pol'tics is inborn in me.

For a Nervy Tonic or for the latest pol'tics? An' myself me Twitt answers an' sez 'Why ye're payin' for news an' pol'tics, of course! Well then, I sez, 'Twitt, ye aint gettin' nothin' o' the sort! An' t' other day, blow'd if I didn't see in my paper a long piece about ''Ow to be Beautiful' an' that 'adn't nothin' to do wi' me nor no man, but was just mere gabble for fool women.

"'Which sports has speshulties same as other folks. Thar's Texas Thompson, his speshulty is ridin' a hoss; while Peets's speshulty is shootin' a derringer, Colonel Sterett's is pol'tics, Enright's is jestice, Dave's is bein' married, Jack Moore's is upholdin' law an' order, Boggs's is bein' sooperstitious, Missis Rucker's is composin' bakin' powder biscuits, an' Huggins's is strong drink.

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