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Updated: July 31, 2024

They have clung to that which pleaseth God, and are wholly detached and freed from the things which pertain unto men. They have preferred to have their heads cut off rather than utter one unseemly word. Ponder this in thine heart. Methinks they have quaffed their fill of the ocean of renunciation.

"Toil is no thorny crown of pain, Bound round man's brow for sin; True souls from it all strength may gain, High manliness may win. "O God, who workest hitherto, Working in all we see, Fain would we be, and hear, and do, As best it pleaseth Thee." Jeroboam's defects in character, and indeed his actual sins, were many and great. His ingratitude to his benefactor was a disgrace to him.

"Not thankful when it pleaseth me, As if Thy blessings had spare days: But such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise." Desmond stared at the graceful writing long after the train had passed Totton. "Am I ungrateful?" he asked himself. "Not to them," he muttered; "surely not to them." He recalled what Warde had said about ingratitude being the unpardonable sin. Ah! it was loathsome, ingratitude!

When the sultan of Cairo had finished his narrative, the abdicated prince expressed his surprise at his adventures: upon which the sultan said, "Wonder not, my brother, at the dispensations of the Almighty, for he worketh in secret, and when he pleaseth revealeth his mysteries.

Smith could not help smiling at the grandiloquence of the child's language, for in spite of her height, he realized that her years were but few. "Yet," she continued, seating herself, "it pleaseth me to receive thy thanks." Now she put aside her grown-up air and her curious glances were those of the child she was.

I will abstain henceforth from what pleaseth thee not; for the sage saith, 'Have a care that thou speak not of that whereof thou art not asked; leave that which concerneth thee not for that which concerneth thee, and by no means lavish good counsel on the wrongous, for they will repay it to thee with wrong." And reflecting on the words of the wolf he smiled in his face, but in his heart he meditated treachery against him and privily said, "There is no help but that I compass the destruction of this wolf."

And when he had received Him he said unto Sir Galahad: Sir, let death come when it pleaseth him. And therewith he drew out the truncheon of the spear out of his body: and then he swooned. Then came there an old monk which sometime had been a knight, and beheld Sir Melias.

This pain did Venus and her son entreat the prince of hell T'impose on such as faithless were to such as loved them well: And, therefore, this, my lovely boy, fair Venus doth advise thee, Be true and steadfast in thy love, beware thou do disguise thee; For he that makes but love a jest, when pleaseth him to start, Shall feel those fiery water-drops consume his faithless heart. Paris.

But to an appointed time doth He respite them.” But apart from all these things, had this people attained unto a drop of the crystal streams flowing from the words: “God doeth whatsoever He willeth, and ordaineth whatsoever He pleaseth,” they would not have raised any unseemly cavils, such as these, against the focal Center of His Revelation.

'Though the phrase, "throne of grace," be only once named in the Bible, yet the thing signified is so savoury, significant, and suitable, that this form of speaking is become famous among Christians, and will be used to the end of time. Traill. Ed. This is an allusion to Jeremiah 18:1-10 the potter and his wheel, upon which he forms his vessels of clay to honour or to dishonour as he pleaseth.

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