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Updated: August 11, 2024

Great, therefore, was his surprise when he was accosted by the negro, and asked in a mysterious manner to step aside with him out of ear-shot of the sailors who assisted him. "What have you got to say to me, my man?" he asked, when they had gone a few yards into the palm-grove. "You's lookin' for the pirit!" said Ebony in a hoarse whisper, and with a superhumanly intelligent gaze.

"This same Andrews as is forrads in irons was running the Starbuck with Jameson as mate, an' old Garnett as second under him. Ye all know that old pirit. But this time he didn't have any hand in Andrews's game. Andrews wanted to marry the girl Jameson had, an' whin he found he had lost her he played his devil's trick.

"Why, how came you to know that?" asked the captain, somewhat perplexed and thrown off his guard. "Ho! ho!" laughed Ebony in a subdued voice, "how I comes to know dat, eh? I come to knows many t'ings by putting dis an' dat togider. You's cappen ob man-ob-war. Well, you no comes here for notting. Well, Rosco de pirit, de horroble scoundril, hims lib here. Ob course you come for look for him.

He don't do nobody no good & is a cuss to society & a pirit on honest peple's corn beef barrils. Admittin all you say abowt the doctrin to be troo, I must say the reglar perfessional Sperrit rappers them as makes a biznis on it air abowt the most ornery set of cusses I ever enkountered in my life. So sayin I put on my surtoot and went home. Respectably Yures, Artemus Ward.

"Come, come, Ebony, you have carried this jest far enough. Unbind me!" "Berry sorry to disoblige you, massa, but dat's impossible just now." "I command you, sir, to undo this rope!" cried Rosco fiercely. "Dere's a good deal ob de ole ring about dat, sar, but you's not a pirit cappen now, an' I ain't one ob de pirit crew."

Clarly he nebber heerd ob dat an' massa he notice dat, seems to me, for he ses, `Well, Cappin Fizzerald, it may be your duty to seize dis pirit and deliber him up to justice, but it's no duty ob mine to help you. "`Oh! as to dat, ses de cappin, `I'll easily find him widout your assistance. I have a party of men with me, and no one knows or even suspects de reason ob my visit.

"If he was dead, mamma, I should get a little warm 'pirit and put in his stomach, and ven he would be all well again." It seemed strange to Hope to be laughing once more. All the night through, a heavy cloud of anxiety had rested upon Valhalla where one hero at least was lying.

In twenty minutes, spent anxiously watching her, the ship raised her topsails slowly above the line of blue, and then we saw she really was jammed on the wind and reaching along toward us rapidly. "'Tis the Pirit, an' no mistake!" cried the carpenter. "Look at them r'yals! No one but th' bit av a mate, Trunnell, iver mastheaded a yard like that." "The Pirate!" yelled Johnson, from forward.

Foster perceived at once that the man wished his communication, whatever it was, to be unobserved by any one; he therefore moved towards him as if merely to glance at the compass. "Massa," said the negro, without looking at Foster or changing a muscle of his now stolid visage, "you's in a dreffle fix. Dis yer am a pirit. But I's not a pirit, bress you!

Fust he hoed into massa's house an' shook hands with missis, also wid Missis Waroonga wot happined to be wid her, an' hims so frindly dat he nigh shookt de bonnit off her head. Den dey talk 'bout good many t'ings, an' after a while de cappin turn full on massa, an say, "`I's told Missr Zeppa dat you's got dat willain Rosco de pirit here.

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