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I jes' want one mo' look at dat man, an' den I'll haf ter git somethin' ter eat; fer two raw turnips in twelve hours is slim pickin's fer a man er my size!" As the train drew up at the station platform, Dr. Price came forward from the white waiting-room, and stood expectantly by the door of the white coach.

"Allus do winters. But the pickin's is better over here at the Harbor at this time of year." "And the man you left in your place? Where is your house on the point?" The hermit "for revenue only" described the hut on the eastern shore in which the other "hermit" lived. Ruth became much interested.

Those are the Black Oirish, an' 'tis they that bring dishgrace upon the name av Oireland, an' thim I wud kill as I nearly killed wan wanst. 'But to reshume. My room 'twas before I was married was wid twelve av the scum av the earth the pickin's av the gutter mane men that wud neither laugh nor talk nor yet get dhrunk as a man shud.

If it paid well, mebbe I wouldn't mind, but they're so thunderin' stingy round here, they don't leave anything decent out for you to take from em, yet you're reskin' your liberty n' reputation jest the same!... Countin' the poor pickin's n' the time I lose in jail I might most's well be done with it n' work out by the day, as the folks want me to; I'd make bout's much n' I don't know's it would be any harder!"

Well, sir, they was sheep as far as the eye could see millions of 'em and they've got that plain et down to the original sand and cactus, already. W'y, boy, if we let them sheepmen in on us this Spring we'll look like a watermelon patch after a nigger picnic; we'll be cleaned like Pablo Moreno; they won't be pickin's for a billy goat! And Jim 'n' Jasp have been ribbin' their herders on scandalous.

"Slow pickin's," yawned an honest miner with a pack upon his back. Attracted by the group at the table, he had dropped out of the procession in the street and had paused long enough to win a bet or two. Now he straightened himself and stretched his arms. "These Michael Strogoffs is hep to the old stuff, Lucky. I'm thinking of joining the big rush. They say this Klondike is some rich."

Those are the Black Oirish, an' 'tis they that bring dishgrace upon the name av Oireland, an' thim I wud kill as I nearly killed wan wanst. "But to reshume. My room 'twas before I was married was wid twelve av the scum av the earth the pickin's av the gutter mane men that wud neither laugh nor talk nor yet get dhrunk as a man shud.

Lord, the ocean's rich with pickin's. Do you know there's millions made out of the day-bree and refuse of a big city?

"If you're totin' along a pile of dinero, you might," was the reply, "but there's a few cayuses in there that would surely redooce a big roll o' bills to pretty skinny pickin's. For example, this little bay I'm ridin' now ain't any special wonder, an' maybe he's only worth about fifty dollars, but you can't buy him for five hundred.

"An' this heah cap'n?" "He tells us wheah thar's good pickin's." For a moment the man produced a spark of spite. "He's a Reb, like you " "Have you used this place before?" Drew broke in. If this were either a regular or temporary rendezvous for this jackal pack, the quicker they were away, the better. "No, the cap'n said to meet here tonight." "I don't suppose he said when?"