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It was with an effort that she brought her attention back to Elly, who had come in behind her and was saying something urgently. Marise turned around on the piano-stool, her head humming with the unfamiliar, tantalizing beauties and intricacies of the page she had left half unread, and considered the little girl for an instant before she heard what she said. How Elly did grow!

Not but what it is all right so far as I am concerned; only " Then, wordlessly, his god must have accused him, for he winced. "I am not, not in the least!" he said. The denial confessed him to himself, and there was an angry bang of discordant octaves. The two girls called out in dismay. "Oh, do stop!" Elizabeth said. Blair got up from the piano-stool and came over to them silently.

You are not to blame? She tempted you?" "I only am to blame." "'Deed if I believe you have brains enough to know who is to blame." "Yes, I have that much, but no more. Oh, Billy Little, don't don't." Billy turned upon the piano-stool, and again began to play. Dic had known that Billy would be angry, but he was not prepared for this avalanche of wrath. Billy had grown desperately fond of Rita.

Holmes then led me back to the castle, where we entered and proceeded along till we met Lord Launcelot idly fingering the keys of the piano in the music-room. "Ah, good afternoon, Your Lordship," said Holmes suavely, as we entered the room and Launcelot faced about on the piano-stool toward us.

But slowly the peach-bloom of his cheeks faded and his long, tapering fingers played nervously with the leather-trimming of the piano-stool. "Anything I can do for you, Stafford?" he added, with attempted nonchalance. "There is nothing you can do for me," was the meaning reply, "but there is something you can do advantageously for yourself, if you will think it worth while."

"So glad to see you, mamma," he lisped, as he handed her out. "Do take my arm." But the little old lady waved him aside unceremoniously, and hobbled in with the brisk stiffness of age. "Gracious!" she exclaimed when she saw the party arranged in the drawing-room. "You all look as if you were having your likeness taken all except Puck there, on the piano-stool."

"Spare a poor girl stricken by a most cruel misfortune. Worse might happen to you." "To me! And what the mischief do you suppose can happen me?" "Who knows?" She started to her feet so violently, that she upset the piano-stool. "Whatever it may be," she exclaimed, "I say in advance, I am glad!" And as M. de Tregars turned his head in some surprise,

Your ma'll 'ave forgotten all about it by goin'-out time or she'll pertend she 'as to save 'erself trouble. Come and 'elp us wi' the beds." Beth rose slowly from the piano-stool, and followed Harriet upstairs to the bedroom at the back of the house. She was at once attracted to the open window by an uproar of voices "the voices of children in happy play."

She opened the door of the sitting-room, after a light tap of the tiny brass knocker, to find Patricia rising from the piano-stool with pleased expectation in her face, an expression which rapidly became one of joyful surprise. Rosamond was so much prettier than Patricia had been picturing her that she fairly beamed as she came to greet her.

But all was repaid when the Maestro dropped to the piano-stool and filled a half-hour with music that made Kirk more than ever long to master the scales. And there was tea, always, and slow, sun-bathed wanderings in the garden, hand in hand with the Maestro.