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'I cannot see what true love you or Jane are showing now, said Lily, 'it is no kindness to encourage her pertness, or to throw away a friendly reproof because it offends your pride. 'Nobody reproved me, replied Emily; 'besides, I know love will prevail; for my sake Jane will not expose herself and me to a stranger's interference.

Pertness is the mistaken affection of grace, as pedantry produces erroneous dignity; the familiarity of the one, and the clumsiness of the other, distort or prevent grace. Nature, that furnishes samples of all qualities, and on the scale of gradation exhibits all possible shades, affords us types that are more apposite than words.

"Elma," she said, "if you indulge in pertness I shall wash my hands of you. Now, here we are. Have the goodness to ring the bell." The great school door was opened presently by a neat-looking maid-servant, and Mrs. Steward inquired in a tart voice if Miss Sherrard was in." "She is, ma'am," replied the girl; "but she is particularly engaged at this moment.

Such was Jeanne Bécu in the first bloom of her dainty beauty, the prettiest grisette who ever set hearts fluttering in Paris streets; with laughter dancing in her eyes, a charming pertness at her red lips, grace in every movement, and the springtide of youth racing through her veins. When Voltaire first saw her portrait, he exclaimed, "The original was fashioned for the gods."

The gray squirrel comes and goes, but the red squirrel we have always with us. He will live where the gray will starve. He is a true American; he has nearly all the national traits nervous energy, quickness, resourcefulness, pertness, not to say impudence and conceit. He is not altogether lovely or blameless.

He felt sure there were elements in her heart which, transformed and purified by the gospel, would make her worthy the esteem and friendship of the world. A kind, affection- ate heart, native wit, and common sense, and the pertness she sometimes exhibited, he felt if restrained properly, might become useful in originating a self-reliance which would be of ser- vice to her in after years.

The poem is imitative in its form, yet is not without traces of an individual thinking and feeling the bird pecks through the shell in it. With this it has a pertness and pedantry which did not even then belong to the character of the author, and which I regret now more than I do the literary defectiveness.

"After the dog, perhaps some Christian will come to welcome us," said poor Phoebe. Obedient to the wish, out walked Sophy, the English nurse, a scraggy woman, with a very cocked nose and thin, pinched lips, and an air of respectability and pertness mingled. She dropped a short courtesy, shot the glance of a basilisk at Ucatella, and said stiffly, "You are welcome home, ma'am."

Ringing a bell, she asked for a telegraph form and hurriedly filling it up, said to the waiting lad, "Take this down to the office." The lad wore a smart uniform and was called a page, but he had the pertness that generally marks the bellboy in Western hotels. "Certainly, miss. But I reckon I'll be wanted when the stranger who's coming up the road gets here.

But whence comest thou, youth? for thy pertness is become troublesome, and my inclination leads me to punish thee for thy impertinence." "Had I been assured that thou durst kill me," cried the youth, "I should not have appeared before thee; but thou canst not." "Woe to thee, rash boy," exclaimed Hyjauje; "who is he that can prevent my executing thee instantly?"