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"If people is so anxious to get you that they pay you a big lot of money like that, Harkavy, you could keep 'em waiting anyhow one day. Come round and see us to-morrow morning at nine o'clock, wouldn't you?" Harkavy pondered the question for some minutes. "If you wish it, Mr. Perlmutter," he said, "I would do so; but I must got to go away by eleven o'clock sure." "Good!" Morris exclaimed.

In less than ten days the new firm of Potash & Perlmutter were doing business in Abe Potash's old quarters on White Street with the addition of the loft on the second floor.

Munjoy has seen Kovalenko," Steuermann said, "and he asserts that, so far as proof is concerned, no murder was ever committed." "But, Mr. Steuermann," Morris said, "the feller which he opened the package, y'understand, was blown up so his own father couldn't recognize him even." "That's just the point, Mr. Perlmutter," Steuermann declared; "and Mr.

For five minutes he sat still, endeavouring to trace the intricacies of a discussion that had put him so decisively in the wrong, and he was still pondering the matter when the elevator door opened and B. Gurin alighted. "How do you do, Mr. Perlmutter?" Gurin cried. Morris grunted inarticulately and made no attempt to take his visitor's proffered hand. "Did you got any news for me?" Gurin asked.

I bet yer they're five thousand ahead on the season's sales already. We thought they was suckers when they paid us ten thirty-three, thirty-three for him, but I guess the shoe pinches on the other foot, Barney. I wish we had him back, that's all. Them four new designs what he made for Potash & Perlmutter is tremendous successes. What did he done for us, Barney?

All the trade is up in that neighborhood." "I ain't got such a good head for figures like you got it, Abe," Morris Perlmutter replied, "and so I am content we should stay where we are. We done it always a fair business here, Abe. Ain't it?"

Lowenstein intended to buy a few staples, specialties of Potash & Perlmutter, and to reserve the balance of his spring orders for other dealers who entertained more liberal credit notions than did Abe Potash. Much to his gratification, however, he was greeted by Morris Perlmutter. "Ah, Mr. Perlmutter," he said; "glad to see you. Is Mr. Potash in?" "He's home, sick, to-day," Morris replied. Mr.

"Oh, Mr. Perlmutter," she said, "I was scared stiff, and Mr. Margulies, the expressman, pretty near carried me up to the roof and we stays there till the fireman says we should come down." "And where's Margulies?" Morris asked. "He's gone back to the cutting-room," Miss Cohen replied.

"I ain't giving it to her for nothing at all. I'm taking it out of her housekeeping money, Abe five dollars a month!" "There's no use talking, Abe," Morris Perlmutter declared to his partner, Abe Potash, as they sat in the sample-room of their spacious cloak-and-suit establishment. "We got a system of bookkeeping that would disgrace a peanut-stand.

"Girls which they got D to F fathers don't got to cook pertaters," Morris commented shortly. B. Gurin shrugged. "For that matter, Mr. Perlmutter," he said, "I don't take it so particular about my food neither." "Say, lookyhere, Gurin," Morris exclaimed. "What is the trouble with you anyhow?