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"Who wants to go to East Ketchem, anyway?" said Norris. "We should bother our heads about a landing place." "Leave it to me. I'll fix it," Pee-wee said. In the late afternoon they sprawled about and found the velvet coverlet of pine needles restful to their weary bodies. "Well, it's all over but the shouting," said Scoutmaster Ned. "All we need is sup " "I'll do it!" shouted Pee-wee.

I circum what d'you call it vented them, and that man that just ran away, he was a traitor, but I can " "Can you keep still a second? One look at you is enough," said Ham Sanders. "I've I've got three scout suits," Pee-wee began. "Like enough you stole 'em," said Ham. "You're one of them runners for crooks, that's what you are.

I don't believe a long hike would hurt Pee-wee. He's the best scout-pacer in your patrol. But I want to go alone with you and I'd just as soon tell Mary so. I suppose it would be selfish, but we'd just try to make up " "Oh, shut up, will you!" snapped Roy. "You get on my nerves, dragging along with your theories and things. I don't care who goes or if anybody goes.

The blunt little speech was very characteristic of Tom and it was greeted with a storm of applause. He had a way of blurting out his plans and ideas without giving any previous hint of them, but this was something of a knockout blow. "Oh, you hit it right!" shouted Pee-wee. "Gee, I do hate railroad trains railroad trains and homework."

I'll tell how nobody ever gets into danger here or imperils his life, as Pee-wee would say. I'm going to put a notice up on one of the trees and get you to read another at mess with the regular announcements: Wanted; by scout seeking honor medal; someone willing to imperil his life. Suitable reward. Apply Temple Camp pavilion. Signed, Would-be Hero." Tom laughed.

"We didn't know," said Fido Norris. "Gee, there are lots of things I don't know too," said Pee-wee generously. "But anyway I fixed it so a scout could stay at Temple Camp an extra week." "Bully for you. A good turn?" "You said it. I gave him a whole pail of berries I picked and he got sick and couldn't go home." "Some fixer." "I've fixed lots of things."

"Gee whiz, I'll help anybody to foil a school." "Good. Come over here, Pee-wee Harris, and let us get at the details of this adventure; I have a hunch that you and I are going to be friends. You are a what shall I say? a bandit after my own heart. So you have seven merit badges and the bronze cross, eh? Do you think you could steal excuse me win a silver cup?" "Can you drink out of it?"

"I wouldn't let any girls jolly me," Pee-wee said, ignoring the specific question and speaking with difficulty, because of the stickiness of the taffy. "They think they're smart, girls do; I don't mean you, but most of them. I know how to handle them all right. They try to make a fool of you and then just giggle, but the last laugh is the best, that's one sure thing."

He gathered up rice and beans together, and a jar of jam went rolling on a career of foreign travel. All was confusion. "Time!" he screamed. "He asks for an armistice," Roy shouted. "You mean a couple of dozen arms," Westy shrieked. "If you put another thing on me I'll drop the eggs," Pee-wee screamed. "I'll drop them so that they they bounce, too."

And now again he heard voices, "We can eat about twenty of them in my patrol y mm. Are we hungry? Oh, no! Hot frankfurters! Oh, boy, lead me to them. I could even eat the sign, I'm so hungry. Put her in high. What do we care about the road?" Pee-wee listened and waited in terrible suspense. Scouts! He knew something about the scout capacity.