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It's like finding a cocoanut or a palm hole stranded in a Cornish cove. The stories I hear one of you writer fellers ought to come and stay here, only I suppose you are too busy writing about things that really matter. You are like the bright youths in the art schools, drawing plaster casts till they don't know life when they see it. "Well, about this pawnshop.

"That pawnshop affair may have something to do with Frank," said Ernest, "but you can't connect him with that robbery. That is too big and too serious. Six hundred dollars, you say?" "I think that was what they told me," said Bill. "No, of course Frank has nothing to do with that, and I know Lee is perfectly innocent of it too. I just about go crazy when I think about it."

Here he found harbourage with a friendly fence, Wild's mortal enemy, who promised him a safe conduct across the seas. But the desire of work proved too strong for prudence; and in a fortnight he had planned an attack on the pawnshop of one Rawling, at the Four Balls in Drury Lane.

"Fust thing I did arter breakfast," ses Sam, "I took that di'mond ring to a pawnshop and found out it wasn't a di'mond ring. Then I did a bit more thinking, and I went round to a shop I know and bought a couple o' knuckle-dusters." "Couple o' wot?" ses Ginger, in a choking voice.

You reek of ammonia here, go away from my son. You're poison." The Laird ignored him. "What's that ribbon?" he demanded. "Distinguished Service Cross." "You must have bought it in a pawnshop. And that thing?" "Croix de Guerre." "And that red one?" "Legion d'Honneur." A pause. "What did Dirty Dan get, son?" "The one thing in the world he thought he despised.

When he got the money, she didn't need it or anything else in her nice quiet grave over in Long Island City. So he 'blew in' the money on a wake." Sewell was coming toward them. Kittredge called out: "Was it a good story, Sam?" "Simply great! You ought to have seen the room. Only the bed and the cook-stove and a few dishes on a shelf everything else gone to the pawnshop.

"It is only the idea I always heard that Volterra kept a pawnshop in Florence, and then became a dealer in bric-a-brac, and afterwards a banker, and all sorts of things. But it may not be true, and after all, it is only prejudice. A banker may be a very respectable person, you know."

On the other hand, where the weapon has not been spirited away the detectives may spend weeks in discovering when and where it was purchased. Every pawnshop, every store where a pistol could be bought, is investigated, and under proper circumstances the requisite evidence to show deliberation and premeditation may be secured.

I've got a ship, the skipper has given me an advance out of his own pocket, and as soon as I get my watch and other things out of old Levi's I'm going up the town to buy some clothes." "You ain't going into a pawnshop yourself, are you?" inquired Todd. "Don't you do it, young fellow. Why, the skipper as give you the advance might see you going in, and chuck it up in your teeth again some day."

And as soon as they had deposited the most of their money in the bank, they went to a pawnshop in Sixth Avenue and bought back many possessions that they had feared they never would see again. When they entered the flat, the thing they first beheld was Dolly's two-dollar bill. "What," demanded Carter, with repugnance, "is that strange piece of paper?" Dolly examined it carefully.