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"'Bout halfway 'long ther third story, I reckon; must be jist b'low whar ye are thet I stuck my fut down an openin'. Reckon 't was 'nother fireplace, like thet one on ther first flure." I lowered myself silently, and felt along the stones until I located the opening, and roughly measured its dimensions.

Thought I'd try my han' at openin' gold mines in Californy. Jined a caravan at Fort Leavenworth, 'n' lost my reckonin's back here a ways." We must return to love matters. However amazing it may be that a man who has no conscience should nevertheless have a heart, such appears to have been the case with that abnormal creature Coronado.

All Old Hickory does is set his teeth into the cigar a little firmer and roll his eyes over one shoulder. Piddie's the only one who shows signs of shell shock. When he finally lets out a breath it's like openin' a bottle of home brew to see if the yeast cake is gettin' in its work. The bumpety-bump noise comes from something white that follows the crash and rolls along the floor toward the desk.

You'll find two hundred gold in the package." "Thanks," says I, openin' the long envelope. "But what's this other?" "Oh, that!" says she. "Interest. Deed for a few lots in the new North Addition to Saskatoon." "Tut, tut!" says I. "I can't take 'em. That wa'n't any loan I staked you to; just bread on the waters." "Well, you can't kick if it comes back a ham sandwich," says she.

He had seen the slight mix-up when the Indian swerved in the straight. The objection must have to do with that, he thought. "What th' 'ell's th, difference," he said in fierce, imprecating anger; "de kid on Larcen didn't do no interferin', he jes come t'rough de openin' an' won-dey can't disqualify him." "What does it mean?" asked Mortimer; "what's wrong?"

I won't think," says I, feelin' still softer towards him as I see him a openin' the door, "I won't think for a minute that you knew who it was you made your infamous proposal to. But never, never make it agin to any livin' human bein', married or single." He looked real sort o' meachin' as I spoke; and he said in considerable of a meek voice,

There are no windows, but it has a large circular openin' in the ruff through which I spoze the smoke of sacrifice ascended, not much, I believe, above the figures that used to stand up there fifty feet above the marble and porphry pavement Mars, Jupiter, Apollo, Minerva, Vulcan, etc., etc.

I can see 'em now stoopin' over the quiltin' frames Milly talkin' as hard as she sewed, Sally Ann throwin' in a word now and then, and Maria never openin' her mouth except to ask for the thread or the chalk. I ricollect they come over after dinner, and we got the quilt out o' the frames long before sundown, and the next day I begun bindin' it, and I got the premium on it that year at the Fair.

After they had seen the world through the bottom of a tumbler Deely continued the gossip. "Watch me now, been a friend of dukes in England and Ireland, that Mr. James Gathorne Kerry, as any one can see; and there he is feelin' the hocks of a filly or openin' the jaws of a stud horse, age-hunting!

Well, if you find he opens the colonies, and patronises the smart folks, leave your sons there if you like, and let 'em work up, and work out of it, if they are fit, and time and opportunity offers. But one thing is sartain, the very openin' of the door will open their minds, as a matter of course.