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"Indade, sir, I'm obleeged to ye for the inforrmation," said the captain mockingly; "but sure it's a work of shupererrogation, me dear friend, for I knew it, and that he was going to ride backward. If, however, he gives up sinsibly, he may ride with his back to the horse's tail, and ye needn't tie his ankles togither. Have ye ever ridden that horse before?"

Ellinor grasped eagerly at the only pleasure which her money enabled her to give to the old man: and promised him that she would take care and buy the right to that particular piece of ground. This was evidently a gratification Dixon had frequently yearned after; he kept saying, "I'm greatly obleeged to ye, Miss Ellinor. I may say I'm truly obleeged."

Tim, however, cared little for all this, and pursued the even tenor of his way through the whole crowd, nor stopped till, having made half the circuit of the wall, he deposited me safe at my own door; adding, as he set me down, 'Oh, av you're as throublesome every evening, it's a wheelbarrow I'll be obleeged to bring for you!

"Much obleeged to ye, sir, boh ey'd leefer be without the luck." "Listen to me," pursued Potts, chuckling, "and I will point out to you a way of escaping the general fate of your family not merely of escaping it but of acquiring a large reward. And that is by giving evidence against them by telling all you know you understand eh!" "Yeigh, ey think ey do onderstond," replied Jennet, sullenly.

'I knelt by your bedside and fought my instincts, and they were good instincts. I had a right to them. I gave up more than you can ever guess. 'I'm much obleeged, Ed'ard, she said tremblingly. 'I've disgraced my calling, and I've this morning hurt my mother beyond healing. 'I'd best be going, Ed'ard. The sun'll soon be undering. The day blazed towards noon, but she felt the chill of darkness.

"We-el," answered Dicky thoughtfully, "now that ye mention it, I believe I did see sic a pair, or twa very like them, no later agone than yesterday afternoon. If I'm no mista'en, they're rinnin' on Maister 's farm, no far frae Lanercost." "Man, ah'm that obleeged to ye. But ah'm that deid tired wi' walkin', seekin' them, ah canna gang that far," said the farmer.

'Wasna gaun back wi'oot ye I seen ye drap even if ye had been a corp. . . . Been snokin' aroun' seekin' ye for Guid kens hoo lang. I'm fair hingin' wi' glaur. . . . I'm obleeged to ye, Wullie, but ye shouldna ha'e done it. Whauraboots are we? 'I wisht I was sure. Lost ma bearin's. I doobt we're nearer the Germans nor oor ain lot. That's the reason I'm weerin' this dish-cover.

The tears came into her eyes. "Thirty-four," she answered. "How old?" After she had repeated it, 'Melia turned suddenly, and made a solemn statement. "I picked off my gloxinias and gave 'em all to Willard." She lisped on the name, and made it a funny flower. Hetty was trembling. "Yes, dear, yes," she responded prayerfully. "They were real handsome blooms. I was obleeged to ye."

We was as happy, sir, as two porpusses, which they toil not neither do they spin. But when I seed the money gittin' low in the locker Kitty's starboard stockin', savin' your presence, marm I got down-hearted like, seem' as I should be obleeged to ship agin, for it didn't seem as I could do much ashore. An' then the sea was my nat'ral spear of action.

It's easier riding than walking." The old women scanned his countenance and answered: "Thank you, sir, I'm obleeged to ye. I don't mind if I do." She was assisted into the carriage and sat at one end of the seat, Harry being in the middle. "I was going to see my darter, Nancy," said the old women. "Mrs. Nehemiah Babcock her name is. Mebbe you know her husband."