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Tenney did not regard her. He spoke, pointedly to Nan: "I'm obleeged to ye." He rose from his chair. He was dismissing her. His action approached a dignity not to be ignored, and Nan also rose. "I sha'n't give it up," she said. "I shall come again."

On the surface, I understand, I comprehend, it is necessary; but au fond, in your secret hearts, you are with us; you are Cubans. Is it not so? It must be so!" "Oh, land, yes!" said Marm Prudence, composedly. "I'm an American, you see; and husband, he's a Cuban five generations back. We don't have no dealin's with the Gringos, more than we're obleeged to.

"Something to send them asleep?" said the captain suspiciously. "I'm thinkin' they can last till we get back to Drak Pass, where there's a shtore. I'm obleeged to ye all the same. There, that'll do, owld lady. I'll make a man of the bhoy, and send him back safe and sound, if some of the raw recruits of the brutal Saxons don't shoot him." "Good-bye, then.

"So, you see, the small matter I am owing you will soon be paid; but I shall be obleeged to raise a little money only a thousand dollars or so to pay a lawyer to investigate the titles, and I think it like-enough I shall be obleeged to go to England before I get it all settled." "Oho! Then you are not quite so certain of the fortune, after all. The titles are yet to be examined, eh?"

A slow smile, in which there was the faintest touch of sarcasm, was in Teen's face as she glanced at the tawdry figure sitting on the fender end. 'A' richt; I'll tell her. An' guid-nicht to ye; I'm very much obleeged, she said, and, taking Liz's tin box in her hand, she left a trifle hastily, as if afraid she should be longer detained.

Much obleeged to you all the same." The Squire followed her backward steps with his voice. "If you should happen to see Jim Redfield on his way to his tobacco patch, I wish you'd tell him to come here; I'd like to see him." He went in again to Dylks. "What are you going to do with me, Squire Braile?" he entreated. "You're not going to give me up?"

But all at once, I couldn't abide the chap. 'Sir, says I, trying to look shame-faced as became the occasion, but for all that, feeling a twittering round my mouth that I were afeard might end in a laugh 'Master Dixon, I'm obleeged to you for the compliment, and thank ye all the same, but I think I'd prefer a single life. He looked mighty taken aback; but in a minute he cleared up, and was as sweet as ever.

If you'll kindly consent to keep an eye on him, ma'am, till I run down for a comrade, I'll be greatly obleeged. There's no fear of his wrigglin' out o' that, ma'am; you may make your mind easy." "My mind is quite easy, policeman; you may go. I shall watch him." When the man had left, Miss Stivergill ordered the servants to leave the kitchen.

Forbye which, it would appear that ye've been airing your opeenions in a Coallege Debatin' Society"; he paused a moment: and then, with extraordinary bitterness, added: "Ye damned eediot." "I had meant to tell you," stammered Archie. "I see you are well informed." "Muckle obleeged to ye," said his lordship, and took his usual seat. "And so you disapprove of Caapital Punishment?" he added.

Her lips and eyes smiled her shy thanks, but it appeared to Donald that mischievous amusement struggled with appreciation in her look. "Something seems to be amusing you, little lady. Let me into the secret," said Donald. Her silvery laughter broke from her lips, as she answered, "I'm shor' obleeged fer the compliment yo' paid thet basket. I made hit myself." "You did?