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Updated: August 12, 2024

"Well, I wouldn't like to be on board while you were trying to do it." "Mebbe not. I ain't invitin you to do it, either. All I was sayin is, it CAN be done. Sails air very good in their way, course they air, an who's objectin to 'em? I'm only sayin that in this here bay thar's things that's more important than sails, by a long chalk such as tides, an anchors in particular.

"Oh, no; but in the Coll. we must be pro-cadet-corps like anything. Can't you make up a giddy epigram, a' la Catullus, about King objectin' to it?" Beetle was at this noble task when Stalky returned all hot from his first drill. "Hullo, my ramrod-bunger!" began McTurk. "Where's your dead dog? Is it Defence or Defiance?" "Defiance," said Stalky, and leaped on him at that word.

"I hain't exactly objectin' to makin' a leetle quick money myself supposin' it kin be done safe, and the blame, if they is any, throwed somewheres else.... Now, Mr. Curtis, what kind of a course would you foller if that paper we been talkin' about was to fall into the hands of a feller that felt like I do about makin' money?" "What do you mean?"

"And now " said Carroll, "I want to chat with William Barker. There are one or two loose ends I want to clear up." Barker was very humble as he entered the room. "You're free of the murder charge," stated Carroll promptly, "but we may hold you for blackmail." Barker heaved a sigh of relief. "I ain't objectin' to that, Mr. Carroll. It's a small thing when a man has thought he might be strung up."

He handed the paper to Nute with orders to post it after the signatures of the two associate selectmen had been secured. Then to his surprise Hiram Look received an extremely benignant smile from the Cap'n. "You ain't objectin' any to the special town-meetin', then?" inquired Hiram, losing some of his apprehensiveness.

Moreover, I move myself into the chair and second the motion, which, nobody objectin', is carried unanimously. Gentlemen, the business of this here meetin' is to appoint a commander to this here ship, an' what could be more in accordance with the rule o' three not to mention the rules o' four and common sense than a Shipton takin' command. Who's goin' to make the first reslootion?"

"Pap," asked Sally one morning soon after she and Eliph' were married, while the three were sitting at breakfast, "what ever made you swing round so sudden and want me to marry Eliph', after objectin' so long?" Her father looked at Eliph' slyly and chuckled. "Eggs," he said. "I fooled you that time, Sally. I knowed when I said to go ahead that Eliph' has to have eggs for breakfast.

Speak up, James Dutton you was a-leanin' over your front gate as Gaffer come drivin' 'ome, wasn't you, an' you see Gaffer plain as plain, didn't you?" "W'ich, me wishin' no offense, an' no one objectin' I did," began the Apology, perspiring profusely as usual, "but I takes the liberty to say as it were a spade, an' not a gate leastways "

"Well, tell me the name of some one out this way, and I can say I'm goin' there, and you can fix it by objectin' to takin' me. Say, you didn't know when I got on how far I wanted to go." "Some cute little fixer, you are," Frank admitted, and this was the story Tessie clung to when Frank Apgar brought the girl into his mother's house a few minutes later. Thus began her adventure weeks ago.

Phineas, I judge the only reason you have for objectin' to the captain's bein' on the Exemption Board is on account of your son, ain't it? It's just on Leander's account?" But before the furious Mr. Babbitt could answer there came another interruption. The bell attached to the door of the outer shop rang once more. Jed, who had accepted his own invitation to sit, rose again with a groan.

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