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One day, when I was dining at the house of the colonel, with his wife, his step-daughter, and Mademoiselle L , the general sent for his aides-de-camp, and I was left alone, with the ladies; who so earnestly begged me to accompany them on a visit to Mademoiselle le Normand, that it would have been impolite to refuse, consequently we ordered a carriage and went to the Rue de Tournon.

At Milan, 1886, her "Will He Arrive?" was heartily commended in the art journals. <b>RAE, HENRIETTA.</b> See Normand, Mrs. Ernest <b>RAGUSA, ELEANORA.</b> See O'Tama. <b>RAPIN, AIMÉE.</b> At the Swiss National Exposition, 1896, a large picture of a "Genevese Watchmaker" by this artist was purchased; By the Government and is in the Museum at Neuchâtel.

"It is foolish, eh? The marriage costs so dear ... but if thou shouldst get steady work..." "Eh ben!" he answered slowly with his Normand shrewdness, "I don't say no." "I'll help thee, Jean; I can work hard when I am free. One wins forty sous a day by washing, and then there is the harvest." There was a certain stubborn conviction in her words which worried him.

He was put to the bad with a game pie, pate normand aux fines herbes the real thing, as good as a trip to Paris in itself. After eating it, Pepperleigh had the common sense to realize that it was sheer madness to destroy a hotel that could cook a thing like that. In the same way, the secretary of the School Board was silenced with a stuffed duck a la Ossawippi.

A 'trompeur trompeur et demi' is prettily said; and, if you please, you may call 'Varon, un Normand', and 'Sostrate, un Manceau, qui vaut un Normand et demi'; and, considering the 'denouement' in the light of trick upon trick, it would undoubtedly be below the dignity of the buskin, and fitter for the sock. But let us see if we cannot bring off the author.

Such in the Isle who thought those prognostications infallible, did not doubt but he would be shot in the thigh before he died. Sir Normand told me that he heard it the subject of their discourse for many years. At last he died without any such accident. Sir Normand was at his burial at St. Clement's Church in the Harris.

Father Loubère, in his curious account of Siam, relates, that a person famous in that country for his dexterity, used to divert the King and Court by the extraordinary leaps he took, having two Umbrellas with long slender handles, fastened to his girdle. In 1783 M. le Normand demonstrated the utility of the Parachute; by lifting himself down from the windows of a high house at Lyons.

Long experience in her profession has given her something of that ready estimate of character, that quick and keen appreciation of the capacity, habits, and wishes of her visitors, which so remarkably distinguished the late famous Madame Le Normand, of Paris; and if that old squalid sorceress, in her cramped Parisian attic, redolent of garlic and bestrewn with the greasy implements of sorry housewifery, was, as has been affirmed, consulted by such personages as the fair Josephine Beauharnois, and the "man of destiny," Napoleon himself, is it strange that the desire to lift the veil of the great mystery before us should overcome in some degree our peculiar and most republican prejudice against color, and reconcile us to the disagreeable necessity of looking at futurity through a black medium?

To his great surprise, she replied that she was no longer going, as important interests detained her in Caen. She begged him to escort the woman Normand and the little girl to the coach, and gave him the address of a lawyer in Rouen with whom the child could be left. The gendarme obeyed, and when he went back to the Coupe d'Or an hour later, his mistress had left. He returned sadly to Falaise.

They were accompanied by Chauvel's sister, a woman named Normand. She went first to Caen where she was to take the diligence, and lodged with Bessin at the Coupe d'Or in the Rue Saint-Pierre. Chauvel came there the following day to say good-bye to his friend and they dined together. While they were at table, a man, whom the gendarme did not know, entered the room and said a few words to Mme.