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Dere iss no vork, dere iss no help. If I steal not, how shall I do? I vas crying: I could not see. Then Jerry came. 'You shall nefer starve, he said. 'Stay honest, for God vill care for you, and ve'll all pray Him to keep you so. "And so, when meeting iss done, dey go vid me to see, and dere iss food and all dey can. Dey are God's angels to me and to mine.

A olt man, lige me, say that same ofer lasd mont' ago, unt I nefer see him until yet!" It was a time for extreme measures. Bean pressed seven dollars upon the dog's owner. "And ten dollars every week; maybe more!" The old man stowed the bills in a pocket under his apron and scratched the head of the parrot that was incisively remarking, "Oh! What a fool!" and giggling fatuously at its own jest.

"Mine gracious!" whispered the disturbed German lad: "I dinks dot if they don't got de golt then the golt don't got dem, and fader he won't be as bleased as nefer vos." "There isn't any hurry, Otto, in putting your words together, and it is a good time for you to try to string them so they will make a little sense." "Yaw; I vill tries." "Sh! There comes some one!"

"By the power of the just and merciful gods, my vision shall be made very truth indeed! Look, Anemen-Ha, Priest of the God who is King of Gods! Look, Menkau-Ra, thou who wouldst reign in the place of Nefer. Behold, he has come back from the bosom of Osiris to greet thee!"

He said, "I am Setna, son of the great King User.maat.ra, living for ever, and I come for that book which I see between you." And Na.nefer.ka.ptah said, "It cannot be given to you." Then said Setna, "But I will carry it away by force." Then Ahura said to Setna, "Do not take this book; for it will bring trouble on you, as it has upon us. Listen to what we have suffered for it."

'It's a disgrace to Tougal Stewart to ask me, and himself telling you what the bargain was, said my grandfather. But Judge Jones said that he must pay, for all that he did not feel able. "'I will nefer pay one copper till I feel able, says my grandfather; 'but I'll keep my Hielan' promise to my dying day, as I always done, says he.

When he left me and the Injins was as cruel almost as fader and moder, I dinks a good deal apouts dem; when I was a layin' by de fire and not knowin' weder dey wouldn't kill me, den I dinks apout dem again and prays hard; when I swallers de tobacco and feels as if I was dead, den I prays agin to Him and He makes me well and prings me owet all right; arter this I nefer forgets to prays to Him."

Cibot told us that he was going out of his mind," resumed Jolivard. "Bons! out off his mind!" cried Schmucke, terror-stricken by the idea. "Nefer vas he so clear in der head . . . dat is chust der reason vy I am anxious for him." The little group of persons listened to the conversation with a very natural curiosity, which stamped the scene upon their memories.

Tell me of anything you want done and I'll do it for you, if you will only send me where this book is. And the priest answered Na.nefer.ka.ptah, 'If you want to go to the place where the book is, you must give me a hundred pieces of silver for my funeral, and provide that they shall bury me as a rich priest. So Na.nefer.ka.ptah called his lad and told him to give the priest a hundred pieces of silver; and he made them do as he wished, even everything that he asked for.

Reserve again made flinty the boy's face. "Neider did I talk about my feelings," continued Max Vogel, "but I nefer show them too quick. If I was injured I wait, and I strike to kill. We all paddles our own dugout, eh? We ask no favors from nobody; we must win our spurs! Not so? Now I talk business with you where you interroopt me.